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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Dieser fachfremde Artikel ist hier, weil es um den Ton geht

Auch sind die Preise wissensswert, weil die super 8 Filmbranche in ganz kurzer Zeit am Boden lag und fast keine Zeit und keine Chance hatte, sich umzuorientieren in Richtung Video.


'Hollywood Babble-Ons'

Home movie projectors offer sight and sound - By DAVID L. MILLER - Off Duty / Europe/ November 1975

The increasing sophistication of 8mm movie

MOVIES ARE DEFINITELY BETTER than ever, at least home movies. And in large part the improvement is due to the increasing sophistication of 8mm movie cameras (which we discussed in these pages recently) and projectors.

But all too often the novice movie-maker tends to give short shrift to the projector, instead lavishing his dollars on the camera. This is like buying a beautiful painting and then covering it with plastic wrap - it is going to be difficult for anyone to appreciate it.

But there is no need for that to be the case. If you've read our reports on Photokina or other shows, you are probably aware of the many new products being offered to the movie maker.

many new products

Today you can buy a projector equal in quality to your 8mm camera, regardless of whether it cost $60 or $600. And if sound movies are your thing, there are also an increasing number of sound projectors on the market. (We'll sound out that subject later.)

FORMAT ("super 8" and Single 8)

The format that is far and away ahead of whatever is in second place with home movie makers is 8mm. It has been around for years, but it didn't really capture the public's fancy until about a decade ago when "super 8" was introduced. By maintaining the same overall 8mm width, but respacing and relocating the sprocket holes closer to the edge of the film than was the case with the original 8mm film, it was possible to create a 50 per cent larger image area than had been possible. (Later Fuji came out with Single 8, its own version of the super 8 format.)

Because of the difference in the sprocket hole configurations, new projectors were needed. But a lot of folks had plenty of cherished, old 8mm (now called "conventional" 8mm) films around they wanted to continue showing, yet they wanted to buy a new super 8 camera.

The equipment makers came to the rescue with dual format projectors compatible with both types of film. These let you show regular or super 8 film. If you prefer single 8, which requires its own camera, you can show it by throwing a switch and slipping a small adapter onto the projector's feed reel arm. Dual format projectors are almost the rule today, but remember that you can't change formats in the middle of a reel.


All 8mm film, regardless of format, comes back to you from the processing laboratory on 50-ft. reels. Serious film makers edit and splice footage from several reels, then put it all on a larger reel to make a complete movie. These large reels usually take 200 or 400 feet of film. Most projectors have a 400-foot capacity take-up reel.


With the introduction of the Kodak Ektasound system every home movie maker becomes a potential C.B. DeMille. The latest sound cameras using the Ektasound approach have a magnetic recording head in the film chamber that makes possible synchronized sound.

To project (or play) it properly you must have a machine designed to use such magnetic-striped film. These projectors are offered by several manufacturers.

Another method of making sound movies involves the use of a separate tape recorder. The tape recorder and the movie camera must be designed for such use and it is far more difficult for the average person to master than the Ektasound approach. The projector for sound films made with the separate recorder method must also have provisions for achieving proper synchronization.


Most new projectors feature automatic threading that requires only that you slip the film leader into a slot and press a button - the projector does the rest. Even if you have a manual threading unit, the procedure is not difficult after you've done it a few times. Once you've projected a reel of film you must rewind it before you can show it again.

Manufacturers have been working hard to speed up the process. Some use a clip or other device that firmly attaches the film to the reel. When the end of the film is reached the projector senses it and
automatically goes into rewind.

The action is very similar to the way a typewriter ribbon reverses itself. The only "reel" disadvantage of this system is that the film must also pass through the projection gate on the rewind cycle, which tends to produce more film wear.

Conventional rewinding is simple enough. You disengage the film from the feed reel, then from the projection mechanism, and reinsert it directly into the feed spool and rewind it. Asmall guide wheel ordrum on the top of the projector is something to look for on conventional rewind machines, as it helps prevent the fast-moving film from going astray.

A recent solution to the threading-rewind problem is the cartridge projector. You preload your film into special cartridges which are then snapped into the projector. Rewinding is done automatically.


The normal projection rate for "super 8" is 18 frames-per-second (fps). This is the rate for silent or sound movies. Many machines offer the user a choice of speeds, such as 24 fps, which tends to give a more pleasing pacing for sound films. For fun and/or special effects you may want a slow motion (6 fps) or fast motion (54 fps) projection speed. Some models offer continuously variable speeds from 6-54 fps.


In movie projectors there isn't as much choice in lenses as with most other photographic equipment. Most dual format 8mm projectors use a 22mm focal length lens, but you have some choice in aperture from a few makers. The most common aperture is around f 1.5, but there are larger ones available. The larger the aperture, the more light that reaches the screen.

Zoom lenses are available, too. The obvious advantage of the zoom is its ability to vary the image size without moving screen or projector. However, you pay a price in loss of picture quality. Zooms usually have a focal length range of 15 to 30mm.


The old tungsten bulbs - that are still quite popular - range in wattage rating from 50 to 500. The more watts, the more light produced, which is good, and the more heat generated, which is not so good as film is easily damaged by heat.

But since every projector has a cooling fan, lamp heat will not damage film being projected at normal speeds. (Single-frame projection is another matter entirely.) Today quartz halogen or quartz iodide lamps are being used on more machines. They take up less space than tungsten bulbs and last longer. Also, they do not darken with age, as do conventional lamps, so light output remains constant. However, they still need cooling fans.


Some projectors have both forward and reverse motions, giving you the option of going back a few frames to repeat a specific scene. Some also provide single frame projection (not to be confused with single 8, which is a film format) so you can "freeze" one frame. However, during single frame operation the film is anything but cold. The stationary film can turn to ashes before your eyes unless special cooling provisions are available.


Die Liste der Projektoren :


  1. Agfa Movector 2000 - Super 8 movie projector.
  2. Agfa Movector 4000 Synchrosound - Super 8 sound synchronizing movie projector.
  3. Argus 892Z-Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  4. BHMC 1623 - Compatible super 8, regular 8mm movie projector.
  5. Bolex SM80 Electronic - Compatible super 8 sound movie projector.
  6. Bolex SP8 Special - Similar to Bolex SP80 Special
  7. Bolex SP80 Special - Super 8 sound movie projector.
  8. Bolex 18-3 Duo - Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  9. Bolex 18-3L Duo - Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  10. Canon S-400 - Compatible super 8, single 8, regular 8mm movie projector.
  11. Copal/Sekonic CP-77 - Compatible super 8, single 8, regular 8 mm movie projector.
  12. Elmo GPE-SZ - Compatible super 8, single 8, regular 8mm movie projector.
  13. Elmo SP-F w/SM - Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  14. Elmo SP Deluxe - Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  15. Elmo VP-A - Super 8 movie projector.
  16. Eumig Mark 607 D - Compatible Super 8 movie projector.
  17. Eumig Mark 610 D - Similar to Eumig Mark 607 D
  18. Eumig Mark S 802 - Super 8 sound movie projector.
  19. Eumig Mark S 807 - Super 8 sound movie projector.
  20. Eumig Mark S 807 D - Similar to Eumig Mark S 807 except takes super 8 and standard 8 film.
  21. Eumig Mark S 810 D HQS - Super 8 sound movie projector.
  22. Eumig Mark S O&M - Compatible 8mm sound movie projector.
  23. Fujica M36 - Compatible super 8, single 8, regular 8mm movie projector.
  24. GAF3000S-Super 8 sound movie projector.
  25. Kodak Ektasound 235-K - Super 8 sound movie projector.
  26. Kodak Moviedeck 425K - Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  27. Kodak Moviedeck 455K - Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  28. Kodak Moviedeck 455KZ - Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  29. Rollei P830 - Compatible super 8, regular 8mm movie projector.
  30. Rollei P840 T - Super 8, regular 8mm sound movie projector.
  31. Sankyo Dualux 1000 - Compatible 8 mm movie projector
  32. Sankyo Dualux 1000H - Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  33. Sankyo Dualux 2000H - Compatible 8mm movie projector.
  34. Sankyo Sound-600- Compatible 8mm sound movie projector.



Die (Military)- Price List - November 1975
Home movie projectors

Fujica M36 Clubs, about $ 74.00
Sankyo Dualux 1000 AAFES, Europe,PACEX $ 94.50
Argus 892Z NEX/M.O.,PACEX $ 97.50
Elmo VPA DualS Clubs, about $ 105.00
Eumig Mark607D AAFES, Europe $ 105.00
Kodak 425K AAFES, Europe $ 105.00
Copal/Sekonic CP-77 NEX/M.O. $ 112.50
Canon S-400 AAFES.Europe,NEX/M.O. $ 115.00
Elmo GPE-SZ NEX/M.O. $ 115.00
Eumig Mark610D AAFES, Europe $ 116.35
Rollei P830 Clubs, about $ 119.00
Sankyo Dualux 1000H Clubs, about $ 121.50
Bolex 18-3Duo Clubs, about $ 122.10
BHMC 1623 Clubs, about $ 124.50
Bolex 1S-3L Duo Clubs, about $ 138.90
Agfa Movector 2000 Clubs, about $ 140.00
GAF 3000S PACEX $ 142.50
Elmo SP-FSM AAFES, Europe $ 145.00
Sankvo Dualux 2000H Clubs, about $ 147.80
Kodak 455K NEX/M.O. $ 167.00
Kodak 235K AAFES, Europe $ 185.00
Kodak 455KZ AAFES. Europe $ 185.00
Elmo SP Deluxe Dual 8 AAFES. Europe $ 197.00
Eumig MarkS802 Clubs, about $ 210.50
Rollei P840T Clubs, about $ 218.90
Eumig Mark S807 Clubs, about $ 227.95
Agfa Movector 4000 Synchro Sound Clubs, about $ 232.00
Eumig Mark S807D AAFES, Europe $ 245.00
Eumig MarkS 8 10DHOS AAFES, Europe $ 266.35
Sankyo Sound 600 Clubs, about $ 267.50
Bolex SP-8 Special Clubs, about $ 269.95
Bolex SP-80 Special Clubs, about $ 33 1.60
Eumig MarkSO&M Clubs, about $ 332.95
Bolex SM-80 Electronic Clubs, about $ 396.50
- Werbung Dezent -
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