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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Receivers (details)




  1. Akai AA-910 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 12 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0,5 per cent harmonicdistortion, both channel driven. Frequency response 20-70k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 20-45k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2 uV. FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Srlectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter. Defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, tape monitor circuit. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Either/both/ none speaker selector. Size 18x6%x14/2 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Akai AA-920 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 1 6 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-75k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 10-70k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter and defeatable inter-station muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, external preamp/ power-amp junction, high and low-frequency filters, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker-selector switch. Size 18x6x1 3 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Akai AS-980 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 30 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-60k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 10-60k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB (phono input). Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 60 watts rms per channel. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeat-able interstation muting. Three tape monitor circuits (two 4-channel), defeatable loudness circuit, four VU meters, speaker muting control, meter sensitivity selector, FM-de-tector output jack, outputs for three sets of 4-channel speakers, front-panel jack for remote 4-channel balance control, high and low-frequency filters. Matrix circuitry for Regular Matrix plus front-rear logic for SQ. Front-panel jacks for microphones, 4-channel tape recorder and headphones. Speaker selector switch. Size 25/2x63/4y1 6% in. Wt. 45 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.


CM Laboratories


  • CM RR805 - Stereo tuner/amplifier. Power output 54 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.2 per cent, S/N ratio 65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, 6uV for 60 dB quieting, S/N ratio 70 dB, selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal strength meters, defeatable interstation muting, loudness switch, high and low-frequency filters, tone control defeat switch, two tape monitor circuits, muting switch, mode selector, speaker selector. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 19x51/4x17 in. Wt. 38 lbs.




  1. Fisher 234-4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with SQ decoder. Power output 121/2 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion at 1k Hz, all channels driven. Outputs may be strapped to produce 22 watts per channel in stereo. Power bandwidth 10-30kHz, frequency response 20-20k Hz (±11/2 dB). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV (IHF) sensitivity, S/N ratio 70 dB, stereo separation 35 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 55 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal strength meter, loudness switch, joystick balance control, defeatable interstation muting, tape monitor circuit, mono/stereo/SQ, SQ blend/discreet mode selectors, speaker selector switch. Front-panel 4-channel headphone, recorder output jacks. Size 7x191/2x121/4 in. Wt. 28 lbs.
  2. Fisher 314-4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in SQ matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 1 5 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 38 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 1 2-30kHz, IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 76 dB, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. High-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel 4-channel headphone and recorder jacks, outputs and selector switch for two sets of 4-channel speakers, tape monitor circuit. Size 21!/2x7x17 in. Wt. 39 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Fisher 514 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in SQ matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 32 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 percentharmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 90 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 8-40kHz, IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 56 dB, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting, FM noise filter, defeatable dynamic AM noise reduction circuit. Joystick 4-channel balance control, defeatable loudness circuit, midrange tone control, speaker muting control, high and low-frequency filters, front-panel 4-channel headphone and recorder jacks, outputs and selector switch for two sets of 4-channel speakers, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, illuminated 4-channel volume display. Size 21x7x17 in. Wt. 43 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Harman-Kardon 330B - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms at 1kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±1.0 dB), hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 25 dB with 1.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Tuning meter. Defeatable loudness circuit, outputs and selector switch for two pairs of stereo speakers, front panel headphone jack. Size 151/2x13x4'/2 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 11 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Harmon-Kardon 430 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 25 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 4- 40 k Hz, power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, IM distortion 0.12 per cent, hum and noise -65 dB. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 77 dB. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 1.7 dB channel separation 39 dB with 0.7 percent harmonic distortion (stereo). Signal strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, loudness switch, high and low-frequency filters, tape monitor circuit. Front-panel headphone jack. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 17x141/2x51/2 in. Wt. 24 lbs.




  1. Hitachi SR-1100 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 55 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.6 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 42 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 0.8 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, external preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Either/both speaker selector. Size 17%x5>2X 13 in. Wt. 28 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Hitachi SR-3400 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms. Harmonic distortion 1.0 per cent at 1 watt, power bandwidth 50-20k Hz, frequency response 20-20k Hz, S/N ratio 65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo/SW (5.8-10 MHz.)/LW (150-350 KHz)tuner. FM sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 64 dB, stereo separation 36 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Signal strength and tuning meters, loudness control, balance control, tape monitor circuit, speaker selector switch. Front-panel headphone jack. Speaker matrix circuit. Size 171/4x51/2x151/2 in. Wt. 171/2 lbs.




  1. JVC VR-5505- Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output8watts rms perchannel into8ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion from 25-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 1.0 percent, power bandwidth 30-20k Hz, frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB). Tuning meter, loudness switch, tape monitor circuit, mode switch, speaker selector. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 6x181Mx13 in. Wt. 171/2 lbs.
  2. JVC VR-5515L - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 15 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.8 per cent, power bandwidth 15-25k Hz, frequency response 15-50k Hz, S/N ratio 65 dB. AM/FM-stereo/LW (1 50-350 KHz) tuner with 2.3 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 60 dB, stereo separation 33 dB with 0.8 percent harmonicdis-tortion (stereo). Selectivity 55 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal strength and tuning meters, loudness switch, defeatable interstation muting, tape monitor circuit, microphone mixing control, speaker selector switch. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 6x18x13 in. Wt. 20 lbs.
  3. JVC VR-5525L - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 18 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.8 per cent, power bandwidth 10-25k Hz, frequency response 10-50k Hz, S/N ratio 65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo/LW (150-390 KHz) tuner with 2.2 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 60 dB, stereo separation 33 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 55 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal strength, tuning meters, loudness switch, balance control, defeatable interstation muting, high-frequency filter, tape monitor circuit, microphone mixing control, Built-in 5-zone equalizer. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Size 6x181/2x13 in. Wt. 241/2 lbs.
  4. JVC 4VR-5436 - 4-channel/stereo tuner amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 14 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide 34 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-20k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, five-zone equalizer for front channels with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1 k and 15k Hz, FM detector jack, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 161/2x151/2x20 in. Wt. 31 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. JVC 4VR-5446 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 22 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide 44 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 10-30k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, five-zone equalizer for front channels with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, FM detector jack, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks and remote 4-channel balance-control jack. Matrix circuit decodes SQ and Regular Matrix material and automatically switches to CD-4 mode in presence of CD-4 carrier. Speaker selector switch. Size 61/2x20x151/2 in. Wt. 35 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 hz.
  6. JVC 4VR-5456X - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with two built-in matrix decoders and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 43 watts rms perchannel (fourchannels) into8ohms with0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide 115 watts rms per channel at 1k Hz. Frequency resphonse 10-50k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 5-45k Hz, hum and noise-70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB at 1k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeat-able interstation muting. Two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, speaker muting control, front and rear channel five-zone equalizers with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15kHz. Outputs and switches for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Two matrix circuits decode SQ and regular matrix material. Automatic switching to CD-4 demodulator mode in presence of CD-4 carrier. FM detector jack, front-panel 4-channel headphone, recorder and remote control jacks.




  1. Kenwood KR-1400 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 percent harmonic distortion at 1k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 1.0 per cent, power bandwidth 25-30 Hz, frequency response 25-35k Hz (±11/2 dB). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.6 uV (IHF) sensitivity, S/N ratio 60 dB, stereo separation 33 dB at 1 k Hz, with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 45 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Loudness switch, high-frequency noise filter. Size22x61/4x15in. Wt. 13 lbs.
  2. Kenwood KR-2400 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 16 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 percentharmonicdistortionatlk Hz, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 10-30k (IHF), frequency response 10-40k Hz, IM distortion 1.0 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 62 dB. Stereo separation 33 dB at 1k Hz, harmonic distortion 0.6 per cent (stereo). Selectivity 45 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Signal strength meter, high-frequency filter, defeatable interstation muting, loudness switch, tape monitor circuit. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 19x51/2x131/2 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/120 volts, 50/60 hz.
  3. Kenwood KR-3400 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 22 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 percent harmonic distortion, at 1k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (± 1.5 dB), power bandwidth 10-30kHz, hum and noise-70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AIWFM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 62 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 45 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High frequency filter, tape monitor circuit, outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers. Front panel headphone jack. Size 19x6x131/2 in. Wt. 19 lbs.
  4. Kenwood KR-4400 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 25 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±1.5 dB), power bandwidth 10-30kHz, hum and noise-70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.1 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 55 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. High frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers. Front panel headphone jack. Size 19x51/2x131/2 in. Wt. 22 lbs.
  5. Kenwood KR-5400 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-25kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-30kHz, hum and noise-70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. High and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs and selector switch for three sets of stereo speakers. Front panel headphone and microphone jacks. Size 19x6x131/2 in. Wt. 25 lbs.
  6. Kenwood KR-6020 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 45 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV (IHF) sensitivity, S/N ratio 68 dB, stereo separation 35 dB at 1k Hz, 27 dB at 10kHz. Signal strength and tuning meters, loudness switch, high and low-frequency filters, defeatable interstation muting, tape monitor circuits, speaker selector switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Kenwood KR-6400 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 45 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-30kHz, hum and noise-70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. High and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs and selector switch for three pairs of stereo speakers. Front panel headphone and microphone jacks. Size 19x131/2x6 in. Wt. 30 lbs.
  7. Kenwood KR-7020 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 63 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.7 uV (IHF) sensitivity, S/N ratio 70 dB, stereo sepa ration 40 dB at 1 k Hz, 30 dB at 10k Hz. Signal strength and tuning meters, loudness switch, high and low-frequency filters, defeatable interstation muting, bass, mid-range and treble tone controls, tape monitor circuit, speaker selector switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks.
  8. Kenwood KR-7400 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 63 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±1 dB), hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.7 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.3 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs and selector switch for three pairs of stereo speakers. Front panel headphone and microphone jacks. Size 19x13/2x6 in. Wt. 31 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  9. Kenwood KR-8840 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with two matrix decoders and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8ohms with 0.5 percent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Power bandwidth 10-45k Hz, IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 k Hz, 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, four VU meters with sensitivity switch, defeatable interstation muting, high and low-frequency filters, loudness switch, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits. Regular matrix decoder and full-logic SQ decoder, CD-4 demodulator. Outputs and switches for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 21x61/2x141/4 in. Wt. 44 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  10. Kenwood KR-9400 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 120 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.1 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.7 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 72 dB. Stereo separation 45 dB at 1k Hz, 35 dB at 10k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.3 dB. Tuning meter, signal strength/multipath/deviation( modulation) meter, defeatable interstation muting, audio muting switch, defeatable bass, mid-range and treble controls, high and low-frequency filter, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, microphone mixing control, provisions for addition of outboard Dolby noise reduction circuitry. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Outputs and switches for three sets of stereo speakers. Size 22x61/2x151/2 in. Wt. 451/2 lbs. 110/120 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  11. Kenwood KR-9940 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifierwith built-in CD-4 demodulator and matrixdecoder. Poweroutput 50 watts rms per channel all channels driven. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity. Further technical specifications notyetavailable. Signal strength and tuning meters. Defeatable FM muting and loudness circuit. Four VU meters, two tape monitor circuits, high and low frequency filters. Matrix decoder decodes SQ and regular matrix material. Full-logic SQ circuitry. Outputs and switches for two sets of 4-channel speakers. 4-channel headphone jacks.
  12. Kenwood Model Eleven - Stereo tuner-amplifier with Dolby noise reduction circuitry. Power output 60 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-40k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-35kHz. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB, selectivity 70 dB. Tuning and signal strength meters, two VU meters with function selector switch, defeatable interstation muting, high and low-frequency filters, loudness switch, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits. Dolby FM filter, built-in timer, front-panel Dolby calibration facilities. Outputs and switches for three sets of stereo speakers. Two front-panel headphone jacks, microphone jack.




  1. Luxman R-600 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 30 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 5-45k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 10-40k Hz (-3 dB), hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.1 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 70 dB, stereo separation 30 dB from 100-10k Hz with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 55 dB, capture ratio 1.7 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting, tape monitor circuit and loudness switch. Front-panel headphone jack. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 141/2x18x131/2 in. Wt. 281/2 lbs.
  2. Luxman R-800 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.05 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-35k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz (-3 dB), hum and noise -66 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 3.6 uV FM sensitivity at 50 dB S/N ratio, 1.8 uV (IHF). S/N ratio 70 dB, stereo separation 30 dB from 100-10k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.3 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting, two tape monitor circuits and two-position high and low-frequency filters and loudness circuit. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Outputs and switches for three sets of stereo speakers. Size 18x141/4x131/2 in.
  3. Luxman R-1500 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 75 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.05 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 5-75k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz (-3 dB), hum and noise -66 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 3.4 uV sensitivity at 50 dB S/N ratio, 1.8 uV (IHF). S/N ratio 70 dB, stereo separation 30 dB at 100-10k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.3 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting, two tape monitor circuits, microphone mixing control and two-position high and low-frequency filters. Loudness circuit. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Outputs and switches for three sets of stereo speakers. Size 21x14x7 in. Wt. 41 lbs.




  1. Marantz 2015-Stereotuner-amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion from 40-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.9 per cent, power bandwidth 20-22k Hz. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.8 uV sensitivity, stereo separation 32 dB at 1k Hz, 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo), selectivity 48 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Tuning meter, loudness switch, defeatable interstation muting, mode switch, slide-type balance control, speaker selector. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 141/4x5x12 in. Wt. 23 lbs.
  2. Marantz 2230 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 30 to 20k Hz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 15-40k Hz ±2 dB, IHF power bandwidth 1 5-40k Hz. IM distortion 0.5 per cent. FM section has jack for 4-channel decoder. FM tuner S/N ratio 51 dB with 5 uV signal, 63 dB at 50 uV. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz, 25 dB at 10k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF capture ratio 1.8 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Step-type bass, mid, and treble tone controls. Front panel jacks for tape recorder and headphones. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Illuminated function. Remote speaker output. Phones/ main/remote speaker switches. Size 17x5x 14 in. Wt. 32 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  3. Marantz 2240 - AM/FM-stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 70 dB, 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo), selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB, stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz. Tuning and signal strength meters, bass, mid-range and treble controls, slide-type balance control, defeatable interstation muting, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, high and low-frequency filters, loudness switch, 25 uS de-emphasis switch for use with outboard Dolby noise reduction unit. Front-panel headphone and tape dubbing jacks. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers.
  4. Marantz 2245 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 45 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 1 5-40k Hz ±1 dB. IHF power bandwidth 10-40k Hz. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. FM tuner S/N ratio 52 dB with 5 uV signal, 65 dB at 50 uV. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz, 25 dB at 10k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF capture ratio 1.8 dB. FM section has. jack for 4-channel decoder. Illuminated function indicators. Step-type bass, mid, and treble tone controls. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Front panel jacks for tape recorder and headphones. Phones/ main/remote speaker switches. Size 1 7x5x 14 in. Wt. 32 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  5. Marantz 2270 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 70 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20k Hz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 10-50k Hz ±1 dB. IHF power bandwidth 10-40k Hz. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. FM tuner S/N ratio 53 dB with 5 uV signal, 57 dB at 50 uV. IHF capture ratio 1.9 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 k Hz, 26 dB at 10k Hz, with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. FM section has jack for 4-channel decoder. Illuminated function indicators. Bass, mid, and treble tone controls. Antenna orientation aid. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuits. High and low frequency filters. FM stereo noise cancel circuit. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Front panel jacks for tape recorder and headphones. Phones/main/remote speaker switches. Size 16%x5x14 in. Wt. 35 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  6. Marantz 2275-Stereotuner-amplifier. Power output 75 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±0.25 dB), power bandwidth 7-70k Hz, IM distortion 0.25 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (30 dB quieting). S/N ratio 70 dB with 50 uV signal. Stereo separation 42 dB with 0.35 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and multipath meter. Defeatable FM muting and loudness circuit. Selectable de-emphasis (25 and 75 usee) High, low and mid-range frequency tone controls. Two tape monitor circuits. Front panel headphone jack.
  7. Marantz 2325 - Stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in Dolby B-type circuitry. Power output 125 watts rms perchannel into8ohms with0.15 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±0.25 dB), power bandwidth 5-70 kHz, IM distortion 0.15 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8uV FM sensitivity (30 dB quieting), S/N ratio 70 dB with 50uVsignal. Stereo separation 42 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.25 dB. Signal strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Dolby circuit has variable calibration for use with non-dolbyized program material. Treble, bass and mid-range frequency variable tone controls. Outputs and selector switch for three sets of stereo speakers. Selectable FM de-emphasis (75 or 25 usee), front panel headphone jack. Two tape monitor circuits. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  8. Marantz 4220 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with matrix decoder module pocket. Power output 8 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion, 40-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 20 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-22k Hz, IM distortion 0.9 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.8 uV FM sensitivity (30 dB quieting), S/N ratio 55 dB with 50 uV signal. Stereo separation 32 dB with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 48 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter and defeatable interstation muting. Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, selectable FM de-emphasis (75 or 25 usee), FM detector output, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Optional plug-in module contains front-rear logic and decodes SQ material. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  9. Marantz 4230 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in Dolby B-type circuitry and matrix decoder-module pocket. Power output 12 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 40-20k Hz, 'four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 30 watts rms per channel, frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 15-50k Hz, IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.8 uV FM sensitivity, (30 dB quieting), S/N ratio 55 dB with 50 uV signal. Stereo separation 32 dB with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 48 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting. High-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, two tape monitor circuits, jack for remote volume/balance control, selectable FM de-emphasis (75 or 25 usee,), FM detector output, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Optional plug-in module contains front-rear logic and decodes SQ material. Dolby circuitry contains separate record and playback circuits. Speaker selector switches.
  10. Marantz 4240 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in Dolby B-type circuitry and matrix decoder-module pocket. Power output 1 7 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to proved power output of 40 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-60k Hz, IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (30 dB quieting), S/N ratio 70 dB with 50 uV signal. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting. High-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, two tape monitor circuits, jack for remote volume/balance control, selectable FM de-emphasis (75 or 25 usee), FM detector output, adjustable circuit for simulating 4-channel with stereo material, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Optional plug-in module contains front-rear logic and decodes SQ material. Dolby circuitry contains separate record and playback circuits. Speaker selector switches.
  11. Marantz 4270 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in Dolby B-type circuitry and matrix decoder-module pocket. Power output 25 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 70 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±0.5), power bandwidth 8-60k Hz, IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (30dB quieting), S/N ratio 70 dB with 50 uV signal. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting. High-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, two tape monitor circuits, exterior preamp/ power-amp junctions, jack for remote volume/balance control, selectable FM de-emphasis (75 or 25 usee), FM detector output, adjustable circuit for simulating 4-channel with stereo material, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Optional plug-in module containsfront-rear logicand decodes SQ material. Dolby circuitry contains separate record and playback circuits. Speaker selector switches.
  12. Marantz 4300 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in Dolby B-type circuitry and matrix decoder-module pocket. Power output 40 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 100 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20 -20k Hz (±0.25 dB), power bandwidth 7-70k Hz, IM distortion 0.15 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (30 dB quieting), S/N ratio 70 dB with 50 uV signal. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting. High-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, two tape monitor circuits, exterior preamp/ power-amp junctions, jack for remote volume/balance control, selectable FM de-emphasis (75 or 25 usee), FM detector output, adjustable circuit for simulating 4-channel with stereo material, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Optional plug-in module contains front-rear logic and decodes SQ material. Dolby circuitry contains separate record and playback circuits. Speaker selector switches.

  13. Marantz 4400 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built in Dolby B-type circuitry and matrix decoder-module pocket. Power output 50 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.1 5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 125 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±0.25 dB), power bandwidth 7-70kHz, IM distortion 0.15 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (30 dB quieting), S/N ratio 75 dB with 50 uV signal. Stereo separation 42 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 75 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Built-in oscilloscope signal-strength and tuning aid, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequencyfilters, defeatable loudness circuit, outputs and selector switches for two sets of 4-channel speakers, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, exterior preamp/power-amp junctions, jack for remote volume/balance control, selectable FM de-emphasis (75 or 25 usee.) FM detector output, adjustable circuit for simulating 4-channel with stereo material, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Optional plug-in module contains front-rear logic and decodes SQ material. Dolby circuitry contains separate record and playback circuits. Dolby level meter and built-in 400-Hz. oscillator. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.

  14. Marantz 4415 - AM-FM stereos-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 1 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms (40-20k Hz) with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 20-80k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 15-50k Hz, IM distortion 0.9 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 2.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 55 dB. Stereo separation 32 dB at 1kHz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 48 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting circuit. 4-channel broadcast decoder jack. 4-channel tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, high frequency filter, jack for optional 4-channel remote control unit, built in 4-channel matrix decoder circuit 4-channel remote speaker output. Main/both/remote/phones speaker switches. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 1 7x5x14% in.




  • Mcintosh MAC-1900 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 55 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±0.5 dB), IM distortion 0.25 per cent, hum and noise -76 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 34 dB with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 55 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, speaker switches, front-panel headphone jack. Size 16x51/2x161/2 in. Wt. 33 lbs.




  1. Onkyo TX-220 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 1 3 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 25- 30kHz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-20kHz, hum and noise ratio 60 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 3.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB (at 400 Hz) with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Tuning meter. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone and microphone jacks, outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 16%x13%x5% in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Onkyo TX-440 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 21 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-30k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-20k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB.Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, high and low-frequency filters, two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker-selector switch. Size 18)4x5/4x14% in. Wt. 25 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Onkyo TX-560 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 43 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 percent harmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-30k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-40k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB w;th 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker-selector switch. Size 18&x5*&x18%in.Wt.27 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac. 50/60 Hz.


Pioneer (hier kommen die letzten Quadro "A" Modelle)


  1. Pioneer QX-747 A - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with two built-in matrix decoders and CD^4 demodulator. Power output 30 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 40 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 30-15k Hz (±1 dB), hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.5 per cent AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF). S/N ratio 70 dB, stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 percent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting, defeatable loudness circuit, 4-channel audio balance display with sensitivity selector, 4-channel and stereo tape monitor circuits. Regular matrix decoder and full-logic SQ decorder, CD-4 demodulator. Outputs and switches for one set of 4-channel speakers and stereo speakers. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 22x61Mx161/2 in. Wt. 42 lbs.
  2. Pioneer QX-949 A - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with two built-in matrix decoders and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 40 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 60 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 30-15k Hz (+ 1 dB). power bandwith 7-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Tuning and signal strength meters, defeatable interstation muting, high and low frequency filters, FM noise filter, two 4-channel and one stereo tape monitor circuit, illuminated 4-channel audio balance display with sensitivity selector. Regular matrix decoder and full-logic SQ decoder, CD-4 demodulator. Outputs and switches for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Front-panel headphone jacks. Size22x61/4x171M in. Wt. 50 lbs. 120/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Pioneer SX-300 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 1 2.5 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion at 1kHz both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±3 dB), hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 3.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 55 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable AFC and loudness circuits. Speaker switch, front panel headphonejack.Size 1 6x5'/2x1 2% in. Wt. 25 lbs.
  4. Pioneer SX-434 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 15 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. 20 to 20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 30-25kHz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-70kHz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. Outputs and selector switches for two pairs of stereo speakers. Tape monitor circuit. Size 17x5/2x133/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Pioneer SX-636 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 25 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20 to 20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-30kHz (+0.5, -1 dB), power bandwidth 5-60kHz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/ FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uVFM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High-frequency filter, outputs and selector switch for two pairs of stereo speakers, two tape monitor circuits. Size 19%x 6/4x5/J> in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Pioneer SX-737 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20 to 20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 1 5-40kHz (±0.5, -1 dB), power bandwidth 5-60kHz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low-frequency filters, outputs and selector switch for two pairs of stereo speakers, two tape monitor circuits. Size 193/4x6/4x5/4 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Pioneer SX-838 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 50 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20 to 20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-40kHz (+0.5, -1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40kHz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low-frequency filters, outputs and selector switch for three pairs of stereo speakers, two tape monitor circuits, output for Dolby system, defeatable tone controls with 2.5 or 5 dB variation. Size 20/2x7x1 61/2 in. Wt. 36 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  8. Pioneer SX-939 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 70 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20 to 20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-40kHz (+0, -1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40kHz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low-frequency filters, outputs and selector switch for three pairs of stereo speakers, two tape monitor circuits, output for Dolby system, defeatable tone controls with 2.5 or 5 dB variation. Size 21x7x161/2 in. Wt. 41 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  9. Pioneer SX-1010 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 100 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, 20 to 20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-40kHz (+0, -1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40kHz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.7 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 72 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 90 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low-frequency filters, outputs and selector switch for three pairs of stereo speakers, two tape monitor circuits, outputs for Dolby system and 4-channel adaptor, defeatable tone controls with 2.5 or 5 dB variation. Size 20/2x7x 1 7/2 in. Wt. 49 lbs. 11 0/220voltsac, 50/60Hz.
  10. Pioneer SX-5530 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 18 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 30-15k Hz (±0.5 dB), power bandwidth 10-70k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. Two tape monitors, outputs and selector switches for two pairs of stereo speakers. Size 19x6x16 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  11. Pioneer SX-7730 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20 to 20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-40k Hz (+0.5, -1 dB), power bandwidth 5-60k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tunerwith 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low-frequency filters, outputs and selector switch for two pairs of stereo speakers, two tape monitor circuits. Size 193/4x61/4x51/4 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  12. Pioneer SX-9930 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 70 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20
  13. to 20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-40 kHz (+0,-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High and low-frequency filters, outputs and selector switch for three pairs of stereo speakers, two tape monitor circuits, output for Dolby system, defeatable tone controls with 2.5 or 5 dB variation. Size 21x7x161/2 in. Wt. 41 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  • Revox A 720 - Digital FM-stereo tuner with built-in preamplifier. FM sensitivity 1 uV mono, 10 uV stereo, S/N ratio 70 dB, capture ratio 1 dB. Tuner frequency response 30-15k Hz (±1 dB), distortion 0.2 per cent. Preamp frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), distortion 0.1 per cent, S/N ratio 65 dB (phono input). Crystal-controlled frequency synthesizer tuner with digital display. Push-button or manual station selection. Signal-strength, and tuning meters. Step-type tone controls, 2 tape monitor circuits, high and low-frequency filters. Front-panel headphone jack and two tape output jacks. Provisions for remote control and remote power amplifier switching. Size 25x6x13 in. 110/240 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. RotelRX-602-SimilartoRotelRX-802 except power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Wt. 22 lbs.
  2. Rotel RX-802 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 50 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.15 per cent, power bandwidth 5-50k Hz, frequency response 10-100k Hz (±3 dB), S/N ratio 65 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.5 uV (IHF) sensitivity, S/N ratio 70 dB, stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz, 35 dB at 10k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Tuning, signal strength meters, loudness switch, defeatable interstation muting, high and low-frequency filters, muting switch, tape monitor, balance control, mode switch, speaker selector. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 24x15x6 in. Wt. 35 lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sansui QR-500 - AM-FM stereo 4-channel tuner amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 8 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-30k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 30-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 50 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB at 400 Hz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 35 dB, capture ratio 3 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Tape monitor circuit, built-in 4-channel matrix decoder and circuit to provide simulated 4-channel. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 1 7/2x5x1 2 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 11 0-220 volts.
  2. Sansui QRX-3000 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 8 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (±1.5 dB), power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 or 75 usee). Two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit,high and low-frequency filters, stereo tape monitor circuit, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear logic, decodes Regular Matrix and SQ material. Size 20x13x5/2 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Sansui QRX-5500A - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with two matrix decoders. Power output 27 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (±1.5 dB), power bandwidth 10-20k Hz. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity. S/N ratio 65 dB. Selectivity 60 dB, harmonic distortion 0.5 per cent (stereo). Signal-strength and tuning meters, front and rear channel high and low-frequency filters, loudness switch, one stereo and two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, microphone mixing control. Front-panel microphone and 4-channel headphone jacks. Two matrix circuits decode SQ and regular matrix material. Provisions for adding CD-4 demodulator. Outputs and switches for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Size 8x231/2x141/2 in. Wt. 471/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sansui QRX-6001 - 4-channel/stereo tuner amplifier with built in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 25 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, four channels drven. Power bandwidth 10-35kHz, IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 and 75 usee), defeatable interstation muting. Outputs and selector switch for two sets of 4-channel speakers, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits. Front panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear and left-right logic to decode regular matrix and SQ material. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Sansui QRX-6500 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power outputs 33 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, four channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (±1.5 dB), power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 and 75 usee), defeatable interstation muting. Outputs for three sets of front-speakers and two sets of rear speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, two stereo and one 4-channel tape monitor circuits, front-panel stereo recorder and 4-channel headphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear logic to decode Regular Matrix and SQ material. Size 21x7/4x14!/4 in. Wt. 49 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Sansui QRX-7001 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Poweroutput 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz', four channels driven. Power bandwidth 10-35kHz, IM distortion 0.4 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 and 75 usee), defeatable interstation muting. Outputs and selector switch for two sets of 4-channel speakers, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear and left-right logic to decode regular matrix and SQ material. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Sansui QRX-7500A - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with two matrix decoders and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 30 watts rms per channel into 8ohms with 0.3 percent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-30k Hz, hum and noise - 70 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Selectivity 60 dB, 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Signal-strength and tuning meters, four VU meters, defeatable interstation muting, front and rearchannel high and low-frequency filters, loudness switch, one stereo and two 4-channel tape monitor circuits. Front-panel CD-4 demodulator controls and 4-channel headphone jacks. Two matrix circuits decode SQ and regular matrix material, CD-4 demodulator. Outputs and switches for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Size 231/2x141/2x8 in. Wt. 48 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  8. Sansui 551 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 16 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, 40-20kHz, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 25-30kHz, IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB, 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Capture ratio 2.5 dB Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting circuit. High-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers, front panel headphone jack. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  9. Sansui 771 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz (±2 dB), power band-with 15-40k Hz, hum and noise -80 dB, IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 or 75 usee). High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, speaker muting control, electronic overload protection circuit, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 19x5/2x113/4 in. Wt. 27 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  10. Sansui 881 -Stereotuner-amplifier. Power output 60 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-30kHz (±1.0 dB), power bandwidth 20-20kHz, hum and noise -70dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting circuit, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 or 75 usee). High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuits, two tape monitor circuits, outputs and selector switch for three sets of stereo speakers, speaker muting control. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Size 1 9x5/4x11 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  11. Sansui 3300 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 28 watts per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz +1, -2 dB, power bandwidth 15-35k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phone input), IM distortion 0.4 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.9 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 63 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, two phono inputs, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low frequency filters, microphone jack and mixer, jacks for 4-channel adapter and noise reduction unit, exterior preamp/ power-amp junction and two remote speaker outputs. Front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. Any/all/none speaker switches. Size 19'/4x53/4x14 in. Wt. 37 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  12. Sansui 7010 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-30kHz (+1.0, -2.0 dB), power bandwidth 1 5-40kHz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting circuit. High-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers. Front panel headphone jack. Size 17/2X5/2X 11 % in. Wt. 22 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60Hz.
  13. Sansui 8010 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 32 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-30kHz (+1.0, -2.0 dB), power bandwidth 15-40kHz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting circuit. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs and selector switch for three sets of stereo speakers, speaker muting control. Front panel headphone jack. Size 19x5/2x113/4 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  14. Sansui 8080 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 80 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-40k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-35k Hz. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 70 dB. Selectivity 89 dB, harmonic distortion 0.4 per cent (stereo). Signal-strength and tuning meters, two power level meters, defeatable interstation muting, high and low-frequency filters, loudness switch, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, Dolby FM de-emphasis switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Outputs and switches for three sets of stereo speakers. Size 71/4x211/4x141/2 in. Wt. 471/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  15. Sansui 9010 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 60 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-30k Hz (±1.0 dB), power bandwidth 20-20k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting circuit, selectable FM de-emphasis (50 or 75 usee). High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, outputs and selector switch forthree sets of stereo speakers, speaker muting control. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Size 19x51/4x113/4 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  16. Sansui 9090 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 110 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-40k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-35k Hz. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.7 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 70 dB. Selectivity 80 dB, 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Signal-strength and tuning/mutipath meters, two power level meters, defeatable interstation muting, high and low-frequency filters, bass and treble controls with three-step turnover points, loudness switch, high and low-frequency filters, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, muting switch, Dolby FM de-emphasis switch. Front-panel microphone level control, microphone and headphone jacks. Outputs and switches for three sets of stereo speakers. Size 7x211/4x141/2 in. Wt. 52 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sanyo DCX 2000L - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 15 watts IHF per channel with 0.8 percent harmonic distortion. Power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, frequency response 20-50k Hz. AM/FM-stereo/LW (150-350 KHz) tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity. Tuning meter, loudness switch, muting switch, mode switch, microphone mixing control, speaker selector switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Size 18x131Mx6 in. Wt. 141/2 lbs.
  2. Sanyo DCX 2300L - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 15 watts IHF into 8 ohms with 0.8 percent harmonic distortion. Power bandwidth 20-20k Hz, frequency response 20-50k Hz. IM distortion 0.8 per cent, S/N ratio 60 dB( phono input). AM/FM-stereo/LW (150-350 KHz) tuner with 2.0 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity. Tuning meter, loudness switch, high-frequency filter, mode switch, balance control, microphone mixing control, speaker selector switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Size 171/2x13x5 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110/220 volts.
  3. Sanyo DCX-2500L - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-40kHz, power bandwidth 30-15kHz. LW/AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB (at 1 kHz) with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength meter. Outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers. Tape monitor circuit, high-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone jack. Size 1 7/2x1 3/2x5 in. Wt. 1 2 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sanyo DCX 4000 L - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 20 watts IHF per channel with 0.8 percent harmonic distortion. Power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, frequency response 20-50k Hz. AM/FM-stereo/LW (150-350 KHz) tuner with 3.0 uV FM sensitivity. Tuning meter, loudness switch, defeatable interstation muting, microphone mixing control, muting switch, tapemonitor circuit, speaker selector. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Size 18x131Mx6 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 120/240 volts.




  1. Sherwood S-7110 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 1 7 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion, 40-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±1.0 dB), power bandwidth 9-50kHz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.9 per cent. AM/ FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter. Defeatable loudness circuit. Tape monitor circuit. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Front panel headphone jack. Size 1 7'/2x5/4x1 3% in.
  2. Sherwood S-7210 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 22 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±0.5 dB), power bandwidth 8-50kHz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. AM/ FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.4 dB. Tuning meter. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High frequency filter, built-in 4-channel simulator circuit. Tape monitor circuit. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Front panel headphone jack. Size 17/x5/4X 13/4 in.
  3. Sherwood S-7310 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 38 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±0.5 dB), power bandwidth 7-50kHz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. AM/ FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Tuning meter. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. High frequency filter, built-in 4-channel simulator circuit. Tape monitor circuit. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Front panel headphone jack. Size 17/2x5/4X 13/4 in.
  4. Sherwood S-7900A - AM FM stereo/4 channel tuner-amplifier with post-amplifier 4-channel matrix decoder. RMS power output 60 watts per channel (20-20k Hz) into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 7-60k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio -70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1kHz with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion (mono). Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.9 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, provision for additional 4-channel matrix decoder, high-frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, remote speaker output and built-in high-level Dynaquad 4-channel matrix decoder to produce 4-channel sound when coupled to four speakers. Front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. Size 16/4x5/4x14 in. Wt. 30 lbs.
  5. Sherwood S-8900A - Same as Sherwood S-7900A except has no AM tuner section.




  • Sonics MR-7000 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 16 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 15-70k Hz (±3 dB), power bandwidth 15-45k Hz. AM/FM-stereo tuner with ,2.5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB, stereo separation 40 dB (at 400 hz), capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Size 181/2x51/2x13 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 117/230 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sony HCLR-600 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 6 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 5.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 40-40kHz. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity. S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Front-panel stereo headphone jack. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and regular matrix material. Size 20/2x4/2x1 5/4 in. Wt. 15 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Sony SQR-6750 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output20 watts rms perchannel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, all channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 50 watts rms per channel. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF). Selectivity 50 dB. Signal-strength meter, multipath indicator switch. High frequency filter. Defeatbale loudness circuit. Remote control output jacks. Outputs and selector switch for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Matrix circuit decodes SQ material with full-logic circuitry. Size 201/2x71/2x143/4 in. Wt. 36 lbs.
  3. Sony SQR-8750 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix-decoder. Power output30 watts rms perchannel (fourchannels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, all channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 80 watts rms per channel. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity (IHF). Selectivity 75 dB. Signal-strength meter, multipath indicator switch. High and low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit. Remote control output jacks. Outputs and selector switch for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Four VU meters. Matrix circuit decodes SQ material with full-logic circuitry. Size 201/2x71/2x141/2 in. Wt. 41 lbs.
  4. Sony STR-6046L - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.8 per cent, frequency response 30-30k Hz (-3 dB). AM/FM-stereo/LW (150-350 KHz) tuner with 1.7 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, 60 dB selectivity. Tuning meter, loudness switch, high-frequency filter, mode switch, tape monitor circuit, balance control, front-panel internal/external antenna switch, speaker selector switches. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 17x6x14 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Sony STR-6065 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 50 watts per channel (all frequencies) into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels operating. Frequency response 1 2-70k Hz -3 dB, power bandwidth 1 5-30k Hz, IM distortion 0.2 per cent. FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB at 400 Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, high frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit and remote speaker output. Front-panel headphone and aux. input jacks. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 17/4x53/4x14 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110-220 volts.

  6. Sony STR-6200F - FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) 20-20k Hz with 0.2 percent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 10-100k Hz -3 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-40k Hz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.2 percent. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 400 Hz with 0.35 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 100 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.0 dB. Defeatable interstation muting, multiplex blend, and loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Outputs for remote speakers and center channel. Front panel jacksfor headphones and tape recorder. Phones/main/both remote speaker switch. Size 19x5%x16 in. Wt. 40 lbs. 110-220 volts.

  7. Sony STR-7035 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 24 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion from 40-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.8 percent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB, stereo separation 35 dB at 400 Hz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, hi-blend filter, loudness switch, two tape monitorand dubbing circuits. Front-panel microphone level control, microphone and headphone jacks. Size 17x6x131/2 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  8. Sony STR-7055 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 percentharmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-60k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 15-35k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB, IM distortion 0.2 per cent. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 38 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, exterior preamp/ power-amp junction, front-panel auxiliary input and headphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 18/4x6/4x143/4 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  9. Sony STR-7065 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 60 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, stereo separation 38 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting, two tape monitor circuits, microphone mixing control, high and low-frequency filters, loudness switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Outputs and switches for three sets of stereo speakers. Size 18x6x14 in. Wt. 331/2 lbs.
  10. Sony STR-7065A - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 65 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, stereo separation 43 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, defeatable interstation muting, two tape monitor circuits, microphone mixing control, high and low-frequency filters, loudness switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Outputs and switches for three sets of stereo speakers. Size 18x6x14 in. Wt. 331/2 lbs.




  1. Superscope QRT-440 - 4-channel/ stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and 4-channel/stereo 8-track cartridge tape player. Power output 6 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), IM distortion 1.0 per cent, hum and noise -70 dB (aux input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 55 dB. Stereo separation 32 dB with 1.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 30 dB, capture ratio 5 dB. Signal-strength meter. 8-track cartridge player with fast-forward mode and program selector. Joystick 4-channel balance control, selector for monaural, stereo, matrix SQ 4-channel, discrete 4-channel and stereo-to-4-chan-nel synthesis, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 1 8Kx5&x14% in. Wt. 26 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Superscope R-230 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-20k Hz, power bandwidth 30-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 (aux input). FM tuner sensitivity 5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 1.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 6 dB. Tuning meter and stereo indicator. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 163/4x4/2x103/4 in. Wt. 10 lbs.
  3. Superscope R-330 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 9 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-45k Hz (±3 dB), power bandwidth 30-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (aux. input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 5 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 55 dB. Stereo separation 32 dB with 1.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 30 dB, capture ratio 4 dB. Signal-strength meter, FM-decoder jack. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Speaker-selector switch. Size 1 7x5^x12% in. Wt. 16 lbs.
  4. Superscope R-340B - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 12 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion from 40-10k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 30-30k Hz (-3 dB). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.2 uV (IHF) sensitivity, S/N ratio 68 dB, stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz, 29 dB at 10k Hz, 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 48 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, loudness switch, tape monitor circuit, speaker selector switch. Front-panel headphone jack. Built-in speaker matrix decoder for 4-channel simulation when used with 4 speakers. Size 17x5x13 in.
  5. Superscope R-350 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 25 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 15-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF). Stereo separation 35 dB with 1.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. FM-detector jack, signal-strength meter, defeat-able interstation muting. High-frequency filter, tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Built-in high-level decoder simulates 4-channel when used with four speakers. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Speaker-selector switch. Size 17x5x12% in. Wt. 21 lbs.




  • Teac AG-6500 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power output 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-20k Hz±1 dB, power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), FM tuner sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 37 dB at 1kHz with 0.7 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator, hi-blend circuit and defeatable interstation muting. High and low frequency filters, defeatable loundness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, independent tape dubbing circuit, dual power supplies, external preamp/ power-amp junction and two remote speaker outputs. Front-panel headphone jack. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 6/2x18!/2x15% in. Wt. 31 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Technics SA-5251 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 27 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 percent harmonic distortion at 1 k Hz. Power bandwidth 5-35k Hz, S/N ratio 70 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 65 dB. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Tuning meter, loudness switch, defeatable interstation muting, mode switch, tape monitor circuits, speaker selector switch. Front-panel headphone jack.
  2. Technics SA-5350 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 28 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 5-35k Hz, S/N ratio 70 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 uV FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 70 dB. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.6 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, high-frequency filter, loudness switch, two tape monitor circuits. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers.
  3. Technics SA-5351 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 29 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 5-35k Hz, S/N ratio 70 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.9 u V sensitivity, S/N ratio 65 dB. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, loudness switch, high-frequency filter, defeatable interstation muting, mode switch, tape monitor circuits, speaker selector switch. Front-panel headphone jack.
  4. Technics SA-5550 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 58 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 5-45k Hz, S/N ratio 70 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity. S/N ratio 70 dB. Selectivity 70 dB. capture ratio 1.6 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting, high and low-frequency filters, loudness switch, two tape monitor circuits. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers.
  5. Technics SA-5551 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 55 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. S/N ratio 70 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV sensitivity, S/N ratio 65 dB, selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning and signal strength meters, defeatable interstation muting, loudness switch, high and low-frequency filters, balance control, mode selector, two tape monitor circuits, speaker selector switch. Front-panel headphone jack.
  6. Technics SA-8500X - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 34 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 85 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 7-70kHz (-3 dB), power bandwith 5-40 kHz, hum and noise -53 dB (phono input). AM/FM-stereo tuner with 1.8 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 50 dB (stereo), capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting. FourVU meters, three 4-chan-nel tape monitor circuits. Front-panel jacks for microphone and 4-channel headphones. Adjustable matrix circuitry is universal type for all matrix methods. Size 21%x6x15/2 in. Wt. 37 lb. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Toshiba SA-304 - AM-FM stereo/4-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). FM tuner sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 62 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB at 1 kHz. Capture ratio 2.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator and defeatable interstation muting. Tape monitor circuit, built-in matrix decoder and remote stereo speaker output. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 1 5%x5x1 1J4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  2. Toshiba SA-504 - AM-FM stereo/4-channel tuner-amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 10-18k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). FM tuner sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 66 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, stereo indicator, defeatable interstation muting and AFC circuits. Tape monitor circuit, speaker muting circuit, defeatable loudness, low and high frequency filters, built-in decoders for regular and SQ 4-channel matrix material, external preamp/power-amp junction, remote 4-channel speaker output. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Either/all/none speaker switch. Size 20x5x14 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Toshiba SA 514 - 4-channel/stereo tuner-amplifier with built-in matrix decoder and CD-4 demodulator. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into8 ohms with 0.8 percent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped to produce two 45 watt channels. AM/FM-stereo tuner with 2.0 uV (IHF) FM sensitivity, S/N ratio 65 dB, 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2 dB. Tuning and signal-strength meters, tape monitor circuit. Matrix circuitry decodes SQ and regular matrix material. Size20x5x14 in.




  1. Yamaha CR-500 - AM-FM stereo tuner-amplifier. RMS power 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-30k Hz -3 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 1 8-46k Hz. IM distortion 0.1 per cent. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 70 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and loudness circuit. Front panel microphone and headphone jacks. Automatic AFC. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Microphone mixer. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 16/2x5/2x11% in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Yamaha CR-700 - Stereo tuner-amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms. Harmonic distortion (at 35 watts) 0.05 per cent, frequency response 20-30k Hz (+1, -3 dB), power bandwidth 10-56k Hz, IM distortion 0.1 per cent. AM/ FM-stereo tuner with 1.7 uV FM sensitivity (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB, Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, microphone mixer, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, AFC automatically disengages during tuning, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. Size 16/2x113/4x5/2 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.






  1. Accuphase T-100 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 72 dB. Stereo separation40 dB with 0.2 percent harmonicdis-tortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, variable-threshold interstation muting, hi-blend noise filter, variable output, FM detector output, mul-tipath indicator output. Size 171/ax6x14 in. Wt. 31 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Accuphase T-101 - FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 55 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, high-blend noise filter, variable output, FM detector output, multi-path indicator output. Size 18x6x14 in. Wt. 43 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  • Dual CT 18 - AM/FM-stereo/SW/LW tuner. FM sensitivity 1 uV, S/N ratio 65 dB, stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz, distortion 0.5 per cent. Selectivity 86 dB. Receives standard AM and FM-stereo plus SW (5.6-15.4 MHz in two bands) and LW (150-350 KHz). Tuning meter, adjustable defeatable interstation muting, defeatable automatic frequency control, adjustable stereo threshold control, 5 pre-selectable FM frequency push-buttons. Size 161/2x4x131/4 in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110/240 volts.




  1. Dynaco AF-6 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. Same as Dynaco FM-5 except has AM section to tune standard AM broadcast band. Size 13/2x4/2x12 in. Wt. 13 lbs.
  2. Dynaco FM-5 - FM stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 65 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting. Connection for 4-channel decoder. Assembled or kit. Size 13/2x9x4/4 in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Harman-Kardon Citation 14 - FM stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 45 dB at 1kHz with 0.35 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 2.0 dB. Output level controls, variable threshold interstation muting and stereo switching circuits, built-in Dolby noise reduction circuit, stereo noise filter, tuning meter, S/N meter, stereo indicator, 4-channel broadcast decoder jack, scope output. 110-220 volts.
  2. Harman-Kardon Citation 15 - Same as Harman-Kardon Citation 14 except does not have built-in Dolby noise reduction circuitry.




  • JVC JT-V310 - AM/FM-stereo tuner, FM sensitivity 2.0 uV. S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal strength and tuning meters, hi-blend noise filter, defeatable interstation muting. Stereo indicator light. Rear connections located on recessed, top-facing shelf. Size 5x16x12 in. Wt. 10 lbs.




  1. Kenwood KT-1300 B - AM/FM-stereo tuner. Sensitivity 3.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB, stereo separation 30 dB at 1k and 10k Hz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 41 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Tuning meter, high-frequency filter, mode selector. Size 141/2x5x10 in. Wt. 7 1/2 lbs.
  2. Kenwood KT-6005 - AM-FM stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB at 400 Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.3 dB. signal-strength and tuning meters, stereo indicator, hi-blend control, defeatable interstation muting, output level control. Size 1 7x 6x113/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  3. Kenwood KT-8005 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 75 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 100 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting, stereo noise filter, stereo and monaural-only modes, output level control, tape recorder and multipath output jacks. Size 17x6x1 13/4 in. Wt. 25 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Kenwood KT-8007-AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 75 dB. Stereo separation 47 dB at 1kHz, 0.2 percent harmonic distortion (stereo) at 400 Hz. Selectivity 100 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength/mul-tipath/deviation and tuning meters, hi-blend noise filter, defeatable two-step interstation muting, output level control, stereo only mode. Front-panel headphone jack with rear panel volume control. Stereo indicator light. Size 17x61/4x12 in. Wt. 191/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Kenwood 700-T - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB, stereo separation 40dB at 10k Hz with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 100 dB, capture ratio 0.8 dB. Frequency synthesizing tuning circuit. Defeatable 2-step interstation muting, defeatable pulse noise reduction circuit, signal strength/multipath meter plus LED tuning indicator, stereo-only switch, output level control. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 17x6x12 in. Wt. 25 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  • Luxman T300-AM/FM - stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), 2.2 uV (50dB), S/N ratio 75 dB, stereo sepa ration 30 dB from 50-1 Ok Hz with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 75 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Defeatable adjustable interstation muting, defeatable 2-step AM filter and FM blend filter, signal strength and tuning meters, stereo-only switch. Rear-panel output level control. Front-panel headphone jack.




  1. Marantz 105 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.8 uV at 30 dB, stereo separation 32 dB at 1k Hz with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting, signal strength meter. Size 141Mx5x12 in. 120 volt, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Marantz 112 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.2 uV (IHF), stereo separation 40 dB at 1 k Hz, 28 dB at 10k Hz, 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 65 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Tuning meter, defeatable interstation muting, mode switch, 25/75 microsecond deemphasis switch for use with external Dolby adaptor. Size 141/2x5x111M in. Wt. 14 lbs. 50/60 Hz.
  3. Marantz 115B - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF). Stereo separation 42 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.6 dB. Output level control, hi-blend control, defeatable interstation muting, signal-strength and tuning meters, FM muting threshold adjust, stereo indicator, 4-channel broadcast decoder jack. Size 1 5/2x5%x1 3 in.
  4. Marantz 120 B - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.4 uV (30 dB quieting), S/N ratio 70 dB with 50 uV signal. Stereo separation 42 dB with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Built-in oscilloscope for multipath and stereo displays, FM detector output, variable and fixed audio outputs, variable-threshold interstation muting, hi-blend stereo noise filter, 4-channel audio display. Size 1 5/2x53/4x1 3 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Marantz 125 - AM/FM-stereo tuner, FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB (stereo). Stereo separation 42 dB at 1k Hz, harmonic distortion 0.3 per cent (stereo). Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.1 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting, output level control, stereo only mode, hi-blend noise filter, Dolby FM de-emphasis switch. Stereo indicator light. Size 151Mx6x12 in.
  6. Marantz 150 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.2 uV (30 dB quieting), S/N ratio 72 dB with 50 uV signal. Stereo separation 45 dB at 1k Hz, 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 85 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Built-in 3-in. oscilloscope for tuning, multipath and 4-channel display. Defeatable interstation muting, output level control, stereo only mode, hi-blend noise filter, Dolby FM de-emphasis switch. Stereo indicator light.




  1. Mcintosh MR-74 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB, with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 58 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, multipath indicator, two-stage stereo noise filter, two-stage defeatable interstation muting, normal/narrow selectivity control. Size 16x5/2x14/2 in. Wt. 25 lbs.
  2. Mcintosh MR-77 - FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 75 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 90 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, multipath indicator, two-stage stereo noise filter, two-stage defeatable interstation muting. Size 16x5/2x14/2 in. Wt. 27 lbs.
  3. Mcintosh MR-78 - FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 75 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 90 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, multipath indicator, two-stage stereo noise filter, two stage defeatable interstation muting, variable and fixed audio outputs. Size 16x5!4x14/2 in. Wt. 27 lbs.




  • Onkyo T-4055 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB, with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, FM noise filter, defeatable interstation muting, output level control. FM detector jack, multipath indicator output jacks. Size 163/4x5/2x14 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110/ 220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Pioneer TX-5300 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.9 uV (IHF), 4.5 uV (50 dB) in mono, S/N ratio 68 dB (stereo), stereo separation 30 dB from 50-10k Hz with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion at 1k Hz (stereo). Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Defeatable interstation muting, signal strength/tuning meter. Rear-panel 25, 50, 75 microsecond de-emphasis switch. Size 14x5x12 in. Wt. 101/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Pioneer TX-7500 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.9 uV (IHF), 4 uV (50 dB) in mono, S/N ratio 68 dB (stereo), stereo separation 35 dB from 50-10k Hz with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion at 1k Hz. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Defeatable interstation muting, high blend filter, signal strength and tuning meters, output level control. Rear-panel 25, 50, 75 microsecond de-emphasis switch. Size 161/2x6x141/2 in. Wt. 18 lbs.
  3. Pioneer TX-9500 -AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.5 uV (IHF), 2.5 uV (50 dB quieting), S/N ratio 75 dB (stereo). Stereo separation 35 dBfrom 50-10k Hz, 0.2 percent harmonic distortion at 1k Hz (stereo). Selectivity 85 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, hi-blend noise filter, defeatable two-step interstation muting, output level control, stereo only mode, built-in oscillator for preadjusting tape recorder input controls. Stereo indicator light. Size 161/2x141/2x6 in. Wt. 20 lbs.




  • Quad FM3 - FM stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.0 uV (IHF), stereo separation 30 dB at 1 kHz. Illuminated tuning aid, stereo indicator, AFC. Size 10/4x33/4x8 in. Wt. 8 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  • Revox A76 - stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.0 uV for 30 dB quieting. S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 50 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.0 dB. Tuning and antenna orientation aid. 110-220 volts.




  • Rotel RT-824 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.6 uV (IHF), 3 uV (50 dB) in mono, S/N ratio 70 dB, stereo sepa ration 40 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 85 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Defeatable 3-step in-terstation muting, high blend filter, signal strength and tuning meters, multipath indicator switch, output level control. Front-panel headphone jack.




  1. Sansui TU-505 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 65 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent. Selectivity 50 dB, capture ratio 2.5 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable inter-station muting, FM noise filter. Size 16x4/2X 11 in. Wt. 12 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/ 60 Hz.
  2. Sansui TU-7700 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 75 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.3 percent harmonic distortion, selecticity 80 dB. Capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal strength, multipath and tuning meters. Hi-blend noise filter, interstation muting. FM multipath output. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Sansui TU-9500 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 75 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, FM noise filter, adjustable interstation muting, output level control, FM detector jack, oscilloscope output jacks. Size 193/4x133/4x5/2 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sansui TU-9900 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 75 dB (stereo). Harmonic distortion 0.15 per cent at 10k Hz (stereo). Selectivity 90 dB at 400 Hz, capture ratio 1.2 dB. Signal-strength/multipath and tuning meters, hi-blend noise filter, low-frequency filter, defeatable interstation muting, antenna attenuator, wide/narrow FM bandwidth selector, stereo only mode, built-in oscillator for preadjusting tape recorder input controls, output level control. Stereo indicator light. Size 18x61/4x121/4 in. Wt. 211/4 lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  • Sherwood SEL 300 - FM stereo tuner, FM sensitivity 1.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1 k Hz with 0.1 5 per cent (mono) harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 85 dB. Tunerhas electronic digital read-out. Variable interstation muting. FM noise filter. Illuminated control indicators. Multipath indicator output connection. Output for 4-channel decoder. Front panel headphone volume control. Size 16y4x5!4x14 in. Wt. 25 lbs.




  1. Sony ST-88 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 30 dB. Stereo separation 36 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Signal-strength meter. Size 5x9x8 in. Wt. 6 lbs. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Sony ST-4950 - AM/FM -stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.9 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 50 dB, stereo separation 40 dB at 400 Hz with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo), selectivity 80 dB (IHF), capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting, defeatable AFC, high-frequency filter, multipath switch. Size 61/2x17x13 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 120 volt, 60 Hz.
  3. Sony ST-5055L - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.2 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo deparation 35 dB with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1 dB. AM section tunes standard AM band and LW band. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, FM noise filter. Size 16x11'/4x4% in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sony ST-5066 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.2 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 68 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, selectivity 55 dB. Capture ratio 1.5 dB. Signal strength meter. Hi-blend noise filter. Size I6/2X4/2XH/4 in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Sony ST-5130 - AM-FM stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 75 dB. Stereo separation 42 dB at 1k Hz with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 90 dB, IHF capture ratio 1 .OdB. Defeatable interstation muting and AFC. Size 153/4x6x13'/2 in. Wt. I6/2 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  6. Sony ST-5140 - AM-FM stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 400 Hz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Tuning meter, signal-strength meter, stereo indicator, defeatable interstation muting, hi-blend. Multipath output. Size 15%x5%x13/2 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  7. Sony STC-7000 - AM/FM-stereo tuner with built-in preamplifier and system controls circuitry. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, defeatable interstation muting, FM noise filter. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, microphone mixer, input selector, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Superscope T-210 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 5 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 30 dB with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Capture ratio 6 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable AFC. Size 14'/2x4V2x8 in. Wt. 6 lbs.
  2. Superscope T-220 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 2.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 55 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 40 dB, capture ratio 3.0 dB. Signal-strength meter, defeatable interstation muting, FM-detector jack. Size 1 33/4x5/4x1 2/2 in. Wt. 12 lbs.




  1. Technics ST-3150 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV, S/N ratio 75 dB, stereo separation 45 dB with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Defeatable interstation muting, high blend filter, tuning and signal strength meters.
  2. Technics ST-3500 - AM/FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV, S/N ratio 75 dB. Stereo separation 45 dB at 1k Hz. Harmonic distortion 0.3 per cent (stereo). Selectivity 85 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Signal-strength and tuning meters, hi-blend noise filter, two-step interstation muting, front-panel gain control. Stereo indicator light. Size 16x5V2x141/4 in. Wt. I6V2 lbs. 110/240 volts ac.




  1. Toshiba ST-500 - AM-FM stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 66 dB. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 kHz with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 80 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Hi-blend circuit, defeatable interstation muting, defeatable AFC, output level control, stereo indicator, tuning meter, signal-strength meter, 4-chan-nel broadcast decoder jack. Size 15%x5x12 in. Wt. 15 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  2. Toshiba ST-910 - FM-stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.8 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 75 dB, stereo separation 40 dB at 1kHz with 0.2 percent harmonic distortion (stereo). Selectivity 70 dB, capture ratio 1.0 dB. Frequency synthesizing tuning circuit, LED frequency display. LED signal strength indicators, manual or automatic tuning including seven pre-set frequencies. All controls operate via special touch-sensitive glass front panel. Remote control optional. Size 18x131/2x6 in. Wt. 171/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  • Yamaha CT-700 - AM-FM stereo tuner. FM sensitivity 1.7 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 70 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1k Hz with o.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Alternate channel selectivity 70 dB, IHF capture ratio 1.5 dB. Defeatable interstation muting and noise filter. Automatic AFC. Size 1 53/4x5/2x113/4 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 110-220 volts.






  • Accuphase E-202 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 100 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (-0.2 dB), hum and noise -74 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Two VU meters, meter sensitivity control, two tape monitor circuits, high and low-frequency filters, defeatable subsonic (below 25 Hz) filter, speaker damping control, outputs forthree sets of stereo speakers, electronic overload protection circuit, front panel head-phone and tape recorder jacks. Size 18x14x6 in. Wt. 43 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Dual CV 30 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 25-30k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 30-30k Hz, hum and noise -50 dB (phono input), IM distortion 2.5 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Size 161/2x41Mx131/4 in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Dual CV 60 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 20 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 15-60k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 8-60k Hz, hum and noise -62 dB (phono input). Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone input, on/off speaker switch, front-panel headphone jack. DIN input and output jacks. Size 161/2x41/4x131M in. Wt. 14 lbs.
  3. Dual CV 240 - 4-channel/stereo amplifier with SQ decoder. Power output 38 watts continuous per channel in 4-channel mode, 40 watts perchannel in stereo mode. Distortion 0.3 per cent at 1 watt. Power bandwidth 8-40k Hz, frequency response 15-40k Hz (±11/2 dB), S/N ratio 50 dB (phono input). Loudness switch, high and low-frequency filters, presence switch, mono-stereo mode switch, SQ/mul-tiphonic/discrete selector, individual channel volume controls, tape monitor circuit, speaker selector switch. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 161/2x4x151/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/240 volts.




  • Dynaco SCA-80Q - Stereo amplifier with built-in post-amplifier 4-channel matrix decoder. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion at all frequencies, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 8-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, rumble and narrow band filters, built-in high-level 4-channel matrix decoder produces 4-channel sound when four speakers are connected. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 13y2x4!/4x10 in. Wt. 8 lbs. In kit form; available assembled. 110-220 volts.




  • Harman/Kardon A-401 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-80k Hz, IM distortion 0.12 per cent, hum and noise -74 dB. Loudness switch, tape monitor circuit, speaker selector switches. Two front-panel headphone jacks. Size 13x11x51/4 in. Wt. 131/2 lbs.




  1. Hitachi IA-600 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 32 watts continuous per channel into 8 ohms. Harmonic distortion 0.1 per cent, frequency response 10-100k Hz (-1 dB), S/N ratio 95 dB. Loudness switch, high-frequency filter, tape monitor circuit, speaker selector switches, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Size 161/4x4V2x121/2 in. Wt. 191/2 lbs.
  2. Hitachi IA-1000 -Stereo amplifier. Power output 55 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Two VU meters, defeatable loudness circuit, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, microphone mixer, high and low-frequency filters, speaker muting control, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. JVC JA-S8 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 55 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms at 1k Hz, both channels driven. Harmonic distortion .05 per cent. Frequency response 10-150k Hz (± 3 dB), power bandwidth (IHF) 20-20k Hz, S/N ratio 92 dB, IM distortion 0.4 per cent at rated output. High and low-frequency filters, 5-band tone controls, two tape monitor circuits, loudness switch. Connections for control of remote amplifier. Outputs and switches for two sets of speakers. Size 16'/2x5x13 in. Wt. 23 lbs.
  2. JVC JA-S310 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 22 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 percent harmonic distortion from 40-20k Hz, both channels driven. Power bandwidth (IHF) 10-100k Hz (-3 dB), S/N ratio 63 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent at rated output. High frequency filter, loudness switch, tape monitor circuit and microphone mixing controls. Front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Outputs and switches for two sets of speakers. Size 5x16x12 in. Wt. 14'/2 lbs.
  3. JVC JA-X9 - 4-channel amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms from 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Harmonic distortion 0.05 per cent at 1k Hz. Outputs may be strappedto produce40 watts rms perchannel in stereo mode. Frequency response 50-50k Hz (±5 dB), power bandwidth 10-40k Hz (-3 dB), S/N ratio 76 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.4 percent. Master and individual channel volume controls, bass and treble controls, loudness switch, muting switch, high and low-frequency filters, four VU meters with sensitivity switch, two tape monitor circuits. Built-in CD-4 demodulator and matrix decoding circuitry. Frontpanel 4-channel headphone jack, CD-4 demodulator controls. Outputs and switches for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Size 16V2x51/2x141/4 in. Wt. 361/2 lbs.




  1. Kenwood KA-6004 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz -1 dB, power bandwidth 1 0-50k Hz, hum and noise -68 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Two low frequency filters, high frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, two tape monitor circuits, independent tape dubbing circuit, remote speaker output, either/both/none speaker switches, microphone input, front-panel headphone jack. Size 1 7x6x 1 1 \ in. Wt. 26 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  2. Kenwood KA-8004 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 55 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4 percent harmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-50k Hz (-2 dB), power bandwidth 10-50k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.4 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, speaker muting control, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, two low-frequency filters (20 Hz and 40 Hz), high-frequency filter, selectable-frequency bass and treble controls, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. Size 17x6x11% in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Kenwood KA-8006 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 70 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz. IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, two-step high and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness control, defeatable bass and treble controls with 2-posi-tion turnover point selector, muting switch, phono input impedance selector. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Outputs and switches for three sets of stereo speakers. Size 17x61/4x111/4 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Kenwood KA-1400 B - Stereo amplifier. Power output 15 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion from 50-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.8 per cent, power bandwith 20-40k Hz, S/N ratio 68 dB (phono input). Tone control defeat switch, balance control, loudness switch, high-frequency filter, mode switch, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, speaker selector switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Size 141/2x5x10 in. Wt. 111/2 lbs.




  • Luxman L-309 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 75 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with .03 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-50k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-50k Hz (-3 dB), hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion .04 per cent. High and low-frequency controls have 3 switch-selectable turnover points, two-position high and low-frequency filters, two tape monitor circuits, microphone mixing control. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Rear-panel input level and phono input impedance control. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 19x12x61/2 in. Wt. 271/2 lbs.




  1. Marantz 1040 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Two tape monitorcircuits, high-frequency filter, loudness switch, bass, treble and balance controls, ambience circuit, speaker selector switces
  2. Marantz 1060 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 30 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 1 5-40k Hz (±2 dB) at one watt, power bandwidth 15-40k Hz, IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Bass, mid and treble tone controls, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, exterior preamp/ power-amp junction, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Speaker-selector switches. Size 141/4x43/4x12 in. Wt. 12 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Marantz 1070 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Bass, treble and mid-range tone controls. Tape monitor circuits. Defeatable loudness circuit. Speaker selector switch. Front panel headphone jack.
  4. Marantz 1120 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 5-50k Hz +0.5, -3 dB, power bandwidth 10-40 Hz, IM distortion 0.1 5 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, tape dubbing circuit, microphone input, high and low frequency filters, remote speaker output, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, external preamp/power-amp junction scope output jacks, either/both/none speaker switches. Size 15/2x53/4x14 in. 110-220 volts.
  5. Marantz 1200B - Stereo amplifier. Power output 100 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20 kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20kHz (±0.1 dB) at one watt, power bandwidth 10-40kHz. Defeatable loudness circuit, selectable high (5k and 9kHz) and low (50 or 100 Hz) frequency filters, gain-range selector, center-channel output, exteriorpreamp/power-amp junction, front-panel tape recorder and headphone jacks. Output and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 15/2x53/4x14 in. Wt. 37 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Marantz 4100 - 4-channel amplifier. RMS power output 25 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven, Frequency response 15-80k Hz ±2 dB, IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, four VU meters, 4-channel remote control jack, high frequency filter, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, remote 4-channel speaker output, strappable output for stereo operation (2 x 60 watts), either/both/none speaker switches, built-in 4-channel regular matrix decoder with variable control, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 1 5/2x53/4x14/2 in.
  7. Marantz 4140 - 4-channel/stereo amplifier with provision for plug-in matrix decoder. Power output 25 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide 70 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±0.5 dB), power bandwidth 7-70k Hz, IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Four VU meters, defeatable loudness circuit, high-frequency filter, mid-range tone control, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, outputs for two sets of 4-channel speakers, speaker selector switch, selector for monaural, stereo, stereo-to-4-channel synthesis, matrix (with plug-in SQ decoder) 4-channel and discrete 4-channel modes, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  • Mcintosh MA-6100 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 70 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion,20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±0.5 dB), hum and noise -76 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, independent tape dubbing circuit, high and low-frequency filters, presence and loudness compensation circuits, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, stereo/mono-mode selector, speaker-selector switches. Size 16x5/4x 14/2 in. Wt. 34 lbs.




  • Onkyo A-7022 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 52 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 10-100k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.05 per cent. High and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, two tape monitor circuits, outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, selectable-frequency bass and treble controls, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and microphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. Size 16%x 5/2x143/4 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Pioneer SA-5300 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 4 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion from 40-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.8 per cent, frequency response 30-15k Hz (± 1/2 dB), hum and noise 70 dB (phono input). Loudness switch, tape monitor, speaker selector switches, balance control. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 14x5x12 in. Wt. 14 lbs.
  2. Pioneer SA-6300 - Similar to Pioneer SA-5300 except power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion from 40-20k Hz, both channels driven. Wt. 15 lbs.
  3. Pioneer SA-7300 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.3 per cent, hum and noise 70 dB (phono input). Loudness switch, tone control defeat switch, two tape monitor circuits, balance control, speaker selector switch. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 14x5x11 in. Wt. I6V2 lbs.
  4. Pioneer SA-7500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.3 per cent, frequency response 10-80k Hz (-1 dB), hum and noise 70 dB (phono input). Loudness switch, muting switch, high and low-frequency filters, tone control defeat switch, 2-step turnover point switches for bass and treble controls, mode switch, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, speaker selector switch. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 161/2x6x131/2 in. Wt. 261/2 lbs.
  5. Pioneer SA-8500 - Similar to Pioneer SA-7500 except power output 60 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Front-panel microphone/phono input level control. Wt. 29 lbs.
  6. Pioneer SA-9500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 80 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-80k Hz (-1 dB), hum and noise -100 dB, IM distortion 0.1 percent. Two tape monitor circuits, two-step high and low-frequency filters, bass and treble controls with 3-position turnover point selector, tone control defeat switch, tape copying controls, phono input control, speaker muting control. Front-panel headphone jack. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 161/2x61/2x16 in. Wt. 38 lbs.
  7. Pioneer SA-9900 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 110 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.1 per cent, frequency response 10-80k Hz (-1 dB), hum and noise 70 dB (phono input). 3-step muting switch, 2-step high and low-frequency filters, tone control defeat switch, dual main/sub-frequency bass and treble controls, mode switch, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, speaker selector switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks.




  • Revox A-78 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 40 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, hum and noise -65 cfB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, presence control, stereo/ monaural mode selector, front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. Size 16/4x6/4x9% in. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Rotel RA-812 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 45 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.14 per cent, frequency response 5-100k Hz (±3 dB), S/N ratio 70 dB (phono input). Loudness switch, two power output meters, high, low-frequency and subsonic filters, tone control defeat switch, muting switch, microphone mixing control, tape dubbing circuit, speaker selector switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks.
  2. Rotel RA-1212 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 70 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.08 per cent, frequency response 5-100k Hz (±3 dB), S/N ratio75dB (phono input). Loudness switch, muting switch, high, low-frequency and subsonic filters, defeatable bass and treble tone controls with 2-step turnover point selectors, mode switch, tape monitor circuit, speaker selector switch. Front-panel headphone jack.
  3. Rotel RA-1412 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 110 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percent harmonic distortion from 20-20kHz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.08 per cent, frequency response 5-100k Hz, S/N ratio 75 dB (phono input). 2-step loudness and muting switches, two power output meters, high, low-frequency and subsonic filters, defeatable bass and treble tone controls with 2-step turnover point selectors, stepped volume control, mode switch, tape monitor circuits, microphone mixing control, speaker selector switch. Front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Inputs and outputs located on side panels.




  1. Sansui AU-11000 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 110 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.08 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-50k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.08 per cent. Volume control, defeatable bass and treble controls with 3-posi-tion turnover point selector, balance control, muting switch, two-step high and low-frequency filters, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits. Front-panel headphone jack. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 181Mx61/4x15 in. Wt.421/2 lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Sansui AU-20000 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 170 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.05 per cent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.05 per cent, S/N ratio 70 dB (phono input). 3-step muting switch, two power output meters, high, medium and low-frequency tone controls, tone control defeat switch, 2-step high and low-frequency filters, three tape monitor circuits, phono input sensitivity switch, mode switch, speaker selector. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 18x7x16 in. Wt. 50 lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Sansui AU-6600 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 42 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 5 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20 kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-40kh+z, power bandwidth 5-35kHz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 5 per cent. Two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers, high and low-frequency filters, selectable frequency tone controls, defeatable loudness circuit, exterior power preamp/power amp junction, front panel headphone jack. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sansui AU-7700 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 54 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20 kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 1 0-50 kHz (±0.5 dB), power bandwidth 5-40 kHz, hum and noise -85 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers, selectable-frequency high (7k and 12kHz) and low (20 and 60 Hz) frequency filters, selectable frequency treble (2.5k, 5k and 1 0kHz) and bass (1 00, 200 and 400 Hz) tone controls, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting circuit, exterior power preamp/power-amp junction, front panel headphone jack. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Sansui AU-8500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 60 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 1 5-30kHz (+0.2 dB, -1.0 dB), power bandwidth 5-40kHz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, noise reduction adapter control circuit, outputs and selector switch for three sets of stereo speakers, high and low-frequency filters, selectable frequency midrange tone control 750, 1.5k and 3kHz), defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting circuit, exterior power preamp/power-amp junction, front panel headphone jack. Size 193/4x5/2x133/4in.Wt.45lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Sansui AU-9500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 75 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percent harmonicdistortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-40k Hz (-1 dB), power bandwidth 5-40k Hz, hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Two tape monitor and dubbing circuits, noise-reduction adapter control circuitry, 4-channel adapter control circuitry, outputs for three sets of stereo speakers, high and low filters, selectable-frequency bass (150, 300 and 600 Hz), midrange (750, 1.5k and 3k Hz) and treble (2k, 3.5k and 6k Hz) tone controls, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting circuit, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone jack. Speaker selector switch. Size 5/2x1 93/4x1 3% in. Wt. 52 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Sansui AU-9900 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 80 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.08 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-50kHz(-1 dB)at1 watt, IM distortion 0.08 per cent, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). Defeatable bass, midrange and treble tone controls with 3-position turnover points for bass and treble, 2-position high and low-frequency filters, level selector audio muting control, balance control, two tape monitor and dubbing circuits. Front-panel headphone jack. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 18x61/4x15 in. Wt. 40 lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  8. Sansui QA-7000 - 4-channel/stereo amplifier with built-in 4-channel matrix decoder. Power output 12 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, four channels driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 40 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ( ±1, -2 dB), hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.15 per cent. Exterior preamp/power-amp junction, stereo tape monitor circuit and two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, four VU meters, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks, electronic overload protection circuit. Matrix circuitry contains front-rear logic and decodes Regular Matrix and SQ material. Size 17x5x12 in. Wt. 31 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sherwood S-9400 - Stereo amplifier with built-in high-level 4-channel matrix decoder. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-20k Hz ±0.5 dB, power bandwidth 5-45k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.6 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, high and low frequency filters, remote speaker output (stereo), defeatable loudness circuit, 4-channel broadcast decoder jack, external preamp/ power-amp junction, microphone inputs, center-channel" output, built-in high-level 4-channel matrix decoder produces 4-channel sound when used with four speakers, front-panel recorder and headphone jacks. Size 5/2x17/2x14 in. Wt. 29 lbs.
  2. Sherwood SEL-400 - Stereo amplifier with high-level 4-channel matrix decoder. Power output 85 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 7-35kHz (-1 dB), hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.25 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, high and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit. Outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers. 4-channel adapter output jack. Tone control defeatcircuit. Size 1 6/4x5^x1 3% in. Wt. 35 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sony TA-70 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 8 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-50k Hz (± 3 dB) at 1 watt. Bass, treble balance controls, loudness switch, high-frequency filter, tape monitor circuit. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 13x31/2x91/2 in. Wt. 8V2 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Sony TA-88 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion, 40-12.5k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 15-50k Hz (+1, -3 dB), IM distortion 1.0 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, high-frequencyfilter, front-panel headphone jack. Size 5x9x6/2 in. Wt. 7 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Sony TA-1055 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-60k Hz (±3 dB), power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, selectable-frequency treble (2.5k and 5k Hz) and bass (250 and 500 Hz) tone controls, front-panel headphone and auxiliary inputs jacks. Speaker selector switches. Size 16/2x 43/4x11 in. Wt. 14 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sony TA-1066 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 1 5 watts rms 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion, 40-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-60kHz (±3 dB). IM distortion 0.8 per cent. Tape monitor circuit High-frequencyfilter, defeatable loudness circuit. Outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 16/4x4%x1 1 in. Wt. 1 3 lbs. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Sony TA-1130 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 50 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-100k Hz (±2 dB), power bandwidth 7-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone and auxiliary jacks. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Speaker-selector switch. Size 6x153/4x13 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Sony TA-1150 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 30 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, 20-20kHz, both channels driven. Frequency response 12-1 50kHz (-2 dB). Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Two tape monitors, high and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit. Outputs and selector switch for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 1 53/4x53/4x1 21/a in. Wt. 18 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Sony TA-5650 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 50 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. IM distortion 0.1 percent, power bandwidth 5-40k Hz, frequency response 2-100k Hz (-2 dB), S/N ratio 70 dB (phono input). Loudness switch, defeatable bass and treble controls with 2-step turnover point selectors, high and low-frequency filters, muting switch, tape monitor/dubbing switches, external adaptor switch. Front-panel microphone, headphone and external adaptor jacks. Size 17x6x121/2 in. Wt. 30 lbs.
  8. Sony TA-8650 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 80 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 percent harmonic distortion from 20-20k Hz,both channels driven. Frequency response 0-100k Hz (-1 dB),powerbandwidth5-50kHz,IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Volume control, defeat-able bass and treble controls with 2-position turnover point selector, balance control, muting switch, two-step high and low-frequency filters, two tape monitorand dubbing circuits, acoustic compensator control, clipping level indicators, microphone, auxiliary input and headphone jacks. Outputs and switches for two sets of stereo speakers. Size 171/2x7x17 in. Wt. 46 lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Superscope A-235 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 5 watts rms per channel into 8ohmswith 1 .Opercentharmonicdistortion. Frequency response 30-40k Hz, power bandwidth 30-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). Front-panel headphone jack. Size 14/2x4/2x7/2 in. Wt. 7 lbs.
  2. Superscope A-240 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-36k Hz, power bandwidth 13-23k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, remote speaker output, front-panel headphone jack, remote/ main speaker switch. Size 14/2x4/2x7/2 in. Wt. 8 lbs.
  3. Superscope A-245 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 10 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-36k Hz, power bandwidth 13-23k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). Tape monitor circuit, defeat-able loudness circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Speaker-selector switch. Size 14/2x4/2x7/2 in. Wt. 9 lbs.
  4. Superscope A-260 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 20 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-25k Hz (±1 dB), power bandwidth 20-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, exterior preamp/ power-amp junction, front-panel auxiliary, microphone and headphone jacks. Built-in high-level matrix circuit simulates 4-channel when used with four speakers. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Speaker-selector switches. Size 14/2x51/4x113/4 in. Wt. 16 lbs.
  5. Superscope QA-420 - 4-channel amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. RMS power output 6 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-25k Hz, power bandwidth 40-25k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux input). Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, built-in 4-channel SQ and regular matrix decoder, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 163/4x4/2x10 in.-Wt. 16 lbs.
  6. Superscope QA-450 - 4-channel/stereo amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 10 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to give power output of 25 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±1 dB), hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). Selector for monaural, stereo, SQ matrix decoding, stereo-to-4-channel synthesis or descrete modes. High-frequency filter, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, defeat-able loudness circuit, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 14/2x5/4x1 2/2 in. Wt. 12 lbs.




  • Teac AS-100 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 30 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 5-200k Hz (-2 dB), power bandwidth 10-40k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, high and low-frequency filters, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone and recorder jacks. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Speaker-selector switch. Size 16x5/2x13 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  • Technics SU-3500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 41 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms, 20-20k Hz, both channels driven. Harmonic distortion 0.08 per cent at rated power at 1 k Hz into 4 ohms. Frequency response 5-100k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth at 4 ohms, 5-70k Hz (-3 dB), S/N ratio 60 dB (phono input), IM distortion .08 per cent. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable tone controls, loudness switch, phono input impedance selector, two tape monitorcir-cuits. Front-panel headphone jack. Outputs and switches for two sets of speakers. Size 16x51/2x131/2 in. Wt. 221/2 lbs. 110/240 volts ac.




  1. Toshiba SB-300 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 1 7 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, 4-channel adapter control circuitry, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Speaker selector switch. 110/ 220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Toshiba SB404S - 4-channel amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 1 5 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 1 0-55kHz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 10-30kHz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 percent. Four VU meters, 4-channel tape-monitor circuit, ambiance-mixture control, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks, speaker on/off switch. Selector for monaural, stereo, SQ matrix decoding and discrete modes. Size 153/4x4//2x1 1 in. Wt. 1 6 lbs. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Toshiba SB-500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 35 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers, 4-channel adapter control circuitry, two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, selectable-frequency low (400 and 1k Hz) and high (1k and 4k Hz) filters, built-in microphone mixer, front-panel microphone and headphone jacks. Speaker selector switches. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Toshiba SB-514 - 4-channel/stereo amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. Power output 35 watts rms per channel (four channels) into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, each channel driven. Outputs may be strapped into stereo mode to provide power output of 70 watts rms per channel. Frequency response 10-55kHz (+1 -3 dB), power bandwidth 15-40kHz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). Defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting, 4 VU meters, two tape monitor circuits, three phono inputs, high and low frequency filters. Built-in SQ and regular matrix decoder and discrete modes. Front panel microphone and 4-channel headphone jacks. Outputs and selector switch for two sets of 4-channel speakers. Size 17%x14%x5 in. Wt. 25 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Yamaha CA-500 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 22 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-30k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 18-46k Hz, IM distortion 0.1 per cent. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone jack. Outputs for two sets of stereo speakers. Speaker selector switch. Size 153/4x5/2x113/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Yamaha CA-700 - Stereo amplifier. Power output 60 watts rms per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-30k Hz (-3 dB), power bandwidth 18-46k Hz, IM distortion 0.1 per cent. High and low-frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, exterior preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone jack, connections for two sets of stereo speakers. Speaker-selector switch. Size 15 3/4x5 x11 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.



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