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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.






  • AR XA/Universal - Two-speed turntable. Synchronous motor, belt drive, wow 0.10 per cent, flutter 0.05 per cent. Counterbalanced tone arm, nylon and ball bearing, maximum tracking error 0.5 per cent. With base, cover and stylus pressure gauge. 110-220 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. BIC 960 International - 2-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.05 per cent, rumble 65 dB. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 13x11x71/2 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 105/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. BIC 980 - Similar to BIC • 960 except has variable speed control system, built-in strobe display. 105-130 volts.
  3. BIC 980 International - Similar to BIC 980 except for 105-240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Dual CS-510 - 2-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble 63 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate for spherical, elliptical and CD-4 styli, cue control. With base, dust cover and Shure cartridge. Size 161/2x141/2x31/4 in.
  2. Dual CS-601 - Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Variable speed control. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate settings for conical, elliptical and CD-4 styli, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. Continuous repeat control. With base and dust cover. Also available with pre-mounted Shure cartridge from audio clubs. Size 161/2x141/2x6 in.
  3. Dual CS-701 - Two-speed automatic turntable with slow-speed electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble-70 dB (weighted). Variable speed controls and built-in strobe light. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover. Also available with pre-mounted Shure V 15 Type III cartridge. Size 143/4x121/4 in. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Dual CS-1225 - Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor. Flutter
  5. and wow 0.15 percent, rumble-56 dB (weighted). Variable speed control. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and Shure cartridge. Size 141/2x121/4 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Dual CS-1226 - Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor. Flutter and wow 0.12 percent, rumble-57 dB (weighted). Variable speed control. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and Shure cartridge. Size 161/2x141/2 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Dual CS-1228 - Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor. Flutter and wow 0.09 per cent, rumble -59 dB (weighted). Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure and antiskate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and Shure cartridge. Size 161/2x141/2 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  8. Dual CS-1229Q - Three-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble -63 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe light and record-size selector. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with stylus pressure control, adjustable anti-skate, cuing control, plug-in cartridge shell and adjustable tracking angle. Available as model CS-40Q with base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 143/4x121/4 in. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  9. Dual CS-1249 - Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble 63 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in., 41/2-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate for round, eliptical and CD-4 styli. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. Vertical tracking height adjustment for single or multiple disc play. Auto repeat play mode. With base, dust cover. Also available with Shure cartridge. Size 161/2x141/4x31/4 in.
  10. Dual 1249S - Similar to Dual 1249 but with choice of black or white base instead of walnut finish.




  1. ELAC PC50 H II - 3-speed automatic turntable/changer with hysteresis synchronous motor. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble 60 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in., 5.1 -lb. platter. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus force, antiskate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 17x7x14 in. Wt. 191/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. ELAC PC625 - 4-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble 58 dB. 10-in., 2.9-lb. platter. Tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust, cover. Size 17x7x14 in. Wt. 12 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  3. ELAC PC760 - 3-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent rumble 60 dB. Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in., 5.1-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 17x7x14 in. Wt. 191/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, * 50/60 Hz.




  • Empire Troubador 598/111 - Two-speed turntable with hysteresis synchronous naotor. Flutter and wow 0.01 per cent, rumble -90 dB .(weighted). 12-in. platter. Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbal-s anced tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, . adjustable antiskate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 17V2x15x3 in.




  1. Garrard Zero 100C-2 -Two-speed automatic turntable/changer with induction/synchronous motor. Built-in counter automatically records, number of records played - flutter and wow 0.1 pec cent, rumble -51 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in stroboscope. Counterbalanced articulaiing tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable antiskate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. 110/22.0 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Garrard Zero 2000B - 2-speed automatic turntable/changer with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.15 per cent, rumble 57 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in-. platter. Counter-. balanced articulating tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. Built-in counter automatically records number of discs played. Size 17x15x8 in. Wt. 241/2 lbs.
  3. Garrard 125 SB - 2:speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.16 per cent, rumble 57 dB (weighted). 11-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control, repeat control. Size 17x1.41/?x7 in. Wt. 14 lbs.
  4. Garrard 86 SB Mark II - 2-speed automatic turntab+e/changer with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.15 per cent, rum-" bfe58 dB (weighted). 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 17x15x71/4 in. Wt. 24 lbs.




  • Harman/Kardon Rabco ST-7 - 2-speed turntable with brushless DC motor; belt drive and parallel-tracking tone arm. Flutter and wow 0.04 per cent, rumble-68 dB (weighted). 12-in., 2.4 lb. platter. Variable speed control byilt in strobe display. Counterbalanced parallel-tracking tone .^arm with no tracking errpr. Cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 7x6V2x161/4 in. Wt. 221Mbs.




  1. JVC JL A1 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.01 per cent, rumble -50 dB (weighted). CounterbalaBced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, stylus height and overhang adjustments, cue control and universal cartridge "Shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size + Wt. 17V2 lbs.
  2. JVC JL-B44 - 2-speed turntable with slow-speed electronically governed direct drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.Q5 per cent, rumble —60 dB (weighted): Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control and low-capacitance wiring. Special one-piece base. Size 161/2x7x141/4 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 115/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Kenwood KD-2033 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent. S/N ratio —49 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 29x14l/2x61/2 in. Wt. 131/4 lbs.
  2. Kenwood KD-3033 - 2-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Separate motor powers tone arm mechanism. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, S/N ratio 49 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell and low-capacitance wiring. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 19x14x61/2 in. Wt. 151'2 lbs.
  3. Kenwood KD-5033 - Similar to Kenwood KD-5033F except with stereo cartridge.
  4. Kenwood KD-5033F - 2-speed automatic turntable with slow-speed, electronically governed direct-drive motor. Separate motor powers tone arm mechanism. Flutter and wow 0.05 percent, S/N ratio 58 dB.12-in. platter. Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell and low-capacitance wiring. With base, dust cover and4-channel cartridge. Size 19x14x61'2 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Kenwood KD-1022 - 2-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.07 per cent, rumble 47 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With cartridge.




  • KLH Research X Model 60 -Two-speed semiautomatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.09 per cent, rumble -58 dB. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate and cuing control. Pushbutton speed selection, pilot light. With base and dust cover. Size 17x131/2x61/4 in. 110 volts ac, 60 Hz.




  1. Lenco L-65 - 2-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, rumble 60 dB (weighted). 12-in., 3-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate for spherical and elliptical styli. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With walnut base, dust cover. Size 211/4x17x101/2 in. Wt. 15 lbs. 110/260 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Lenco L-75 - Four-speed turntable with induction-type motor. Flutter and wow 0.11 per cent, rumble -60 dB (weighted). Variable speed control. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 1 5/4x1 3 in. Wt. 1 9 lbs. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Lenco L-78 - Four-speed semi-automatic turntable. Induction-type motor. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble (weighted) -60 dB. Counter-balanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. Turntable speed infinitely variable between 30 and 86 rpm. Automatic tone-arm lift and shut off at end of record. Viscously-damped spring mounted chassis. With base and dust cover. 1 10-220 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Micro/Seiki DD-1 - Two-speed turntable with slow-speed electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.045 per cent, rumble -55 dB. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate, and cuing control. With base and cartridge. Size 9x131/2x6 in. Wt. 18 lbs.
  2. Micro/Seiki Solid-5 - Two-speed turntable with electronically governed motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.035 per cent, rumble -65 dB. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate, cuing control and low-capacitance wiring. Bubble-type level and overhang gauge. With base. Size 51/2x181/2x131/2in.Wt. 201/2 lbs. 110/240 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Onkyo CP-55A - Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, rumble -40 dB. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 19x15% in. Wt. 1 8 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Onkyo CP-60A - Two-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, rumble -48 dB. Counterbalanced tubulartone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 19x15% in. Wt. 21 lbs. 1 1 0/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  • Panasonic SL-650 - 3-speed automatic turntable/changer with CD-4 demodulator. 11 -in. platter. Counterbalanced tone arm with anti-skate, cue control. With CD-4 cartridge, built-in CD-4 demodulator with indicator light. Size 71/2x91/2x161/4 in. Wt. 281/2 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Philips GA 209 - 2-speed automatic turntable with DC servo motor. Two separate motors raise and lower, move tone arm laterally. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, rumble 65 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 111/2-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylusforce, anti-skate for spherical, elliptical styli. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 17x61/2x13 in. Wt. 171/2 lbs. 110/240 volts.
  2. Philips GA 212 - Two-speed turntable. Electronically regulated dc motor with belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.1 per cent, rumble (weighted) -60 dB. Variable speed control. Counter-balanced tubular tone arm with stylus pressure adjust, anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base dust cover and cartridge. Size 1 5'/4x1 3x 6 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110-220 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Pioneer PL-12D - Two-speed turntable. Synchronous motor with belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.1 per cent, rumble (unweighted) -47 dB. Counter-balanced tubular tone arm with anti-skate, adjustable stylus pressure, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 1 7x6)4x14/4 in. Wt. 17 lbs. 110-220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Pioneer PL-15R - 2-speed turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, S/N ratio 47 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 17x61/2x14 in. Wt. I6V2 lbs.
  3. Pioneer PL-A45D - 2-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Separate motor operates tone arm. Flutter and wow 0.1 percent, rumble47 dB (weighted). Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With cartridge, base and dust cover. Size 19x161/2x4 in. Wt. 23 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Pioneer PL-55DX - Two-speed semi-automatic turntable with direct drive, electronically governed motor. Flutterand wow0.05 percent, rumble -58 dB. (weighted). Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylusforce, anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and CD-4/stereo cartridge. Size 19x16% in. Wt. 23 lbs. 1 10/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Pioneer PL-55X - Similar to Pioneer PL-55DX except has magnetic stereo cartridge.
  6. Pioneer PL-71 - Two-speed turntable with slow-speed electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.05 per cent, rumble -60 dB. Variable speed controls, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate, adjustable height, lateral balancer, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. Size 19x71/4x161/2 in. Wt. 24 lbs. 110/240 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  • Rotel RP-3000 - 2-speed turntable with AC servo motor, direct drive. Flutter and wow 0.05 per cent, rumble 60 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 1812x14x71/2 in. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sansui FR-3080 - 2-speed automaticturntable with synchronous motor and belt drive, CD-4 cartridge. Separate motor powers tone arm mechanism. Flutter and wow 0.07 per cent, S/N ratio 45 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell and low-capacitance wiring. With base, dust cover and CD-4 cartridge with Shibata stylus. Size 171/2x61/2x14 in. Wt. 1714 lbs. 120/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Sansui FR-4060 - 2-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble -50 dB (weighted). Record-size selector and optional remote control. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, low-capacitance cable, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 181/2x8x15 in. Wt. 24 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Sansui SR-212 - 2-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.1 per cent, rumble —45 dB (weighted). Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 171 2x14 in. Wt. 15 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sansui SR-313 - 2-speed turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble-50 dB (weighted). Counter balanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 181/4x15 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Sansui SR-525 - 2-speed turntable with slow speed, electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble -72 dB (weighted). 12-in., 3.Mb. platter. Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 181/2x6x15 in. Wt. 21 lbs.
  6. Sansui SR-626 - 2-speed turntable with DC servo motor, direct drive. Flutter and wow, 0.03 per cent, rumble 64 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 121/4-in., 3-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 181/2x6x15 in. Wt. 201/2 lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Sansui SR-717 - 2-speed turntable with direct-drive, electronically governed motor. Flutter and wow 0.035 per cent, rumble -60 dB (weighted). Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sanyo TP-92S - 2-speed automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.1 per cent, rumble -50 dB (weighted). Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 17V2X14 in. Wt. 10 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Sanyo TP-1000 - 2-speed turntable with direct-drive, electronically governed motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble -60 dB (weighted). Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, antiskate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 121/4x171/2 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts ac, 50/60 Hz.




  • Sharp Optonica RP-3500H - 2-speed turntable with AC servo motor, direct drive. Flutter and wow 0.04 per cent, rumble 60 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With cartridge, synthetic stone and wood base, dust cover. Size 191/2x712x161/4 in. Wt. 351/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  • Sonics SL-1000 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, rumble 47 dB (weighted). 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. Size 18x141/4x61/2 in. Wt. I6V2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Sony PS-1100 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with induction motor, 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 17x6x14 in. Wt. 14 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Sony PS-2350 - 2-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, rumble 63 dB (weighted). 12-in. platter, counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With cartridge, base, dust cover. Size 18x61/2x15 in. Wt. I8V2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Sony PS-4750 - 2-speed turntable with slow-speed, electronically governed direct-drive motor. Speed controlled via magnetic/electronic system. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble -70 dB (weighted). 13-in. platter. Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 19x7x16V2 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 100/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Sony PS-5011 - 2-speed turntable with induction motor, idler drive. Speed control. Flutter and wow 0.12 per cent, rumble 59 dB (weighted). 12-in, 3-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. With cartridge.
  5. Sony PS-5550 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with DC servo motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, rumble 65 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 181/2x15x51/2 in. Wt. 20 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Sony PS-6750 - 2-speed turntable with magnetic-control servo motor, direct drive. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble 70 dB (weighted). 121'2-in. platter. Counterbalanced carbon fiber tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. Oil-damped turntable mat. With base, dust cover. Size 171/2x71/4x151/2 in. Wt. 2OV2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Sony PS-8750 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with magnetic/crystal-controlled servo motor, direct drive. Separate motor operates tone arm. Flutter and wow 0.025 per cent, rumble 70 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 121/2-in. platter. Counterbalanced carbon fiber tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge, cue control. Oil-damped turntable mat. With base, dust cover. Size 18x7x16 in. Wt. 3Vk lbs.
  8. Sony PSE-4000 - 2-speed turntable with direct-drive, slow-speed, servo-controlled motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble -60 dB (weighted). Variable speed control and built-in stroboscope display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 22x5x161/2 in. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Technics SL-20 - 2-speed turntable with DC servo motor, idler drive. Flutter and wow 0.05 per cent, rumble 65 dB (weighted). 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. Size 17x5x14 in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Technics SL-120 - 2-speed turntable with slow-speed, electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble -70 dB (weighted). 13-in. platter. Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Without tone arm. With base and dust cover. Size 161/4x71/4x14 in. Wt. 22 lbs.
  3. Technics SL-1100 - 2-speed turntable. 20-pole, electronically-controlled direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble (weighted) -70 dB. Variable speed control and built-in strobe pattern. Counter balanced tubu-lartone arm with adjustablestylus pressure, anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With metal base and dust cover. Size 20x73/4x151/2 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Technics SL-1300 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with direct drive, slow speed, electronically governed motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble-50 dB (weighted DIN A). Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 18x14V2 in. Weight 21 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Technics SL-1310 - 2-speed automatic turntable with DC servo motor, direct drive. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble 70 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 13-in., 3.7-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control, repeat control. With base, dust cover. Size 18x141/2x51/2 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Technics SL-1350 - 2-speed automatic turn-table/changerwith DC servo motor, directdrive. Flutter and wow 0.04 per cent, rumble 70 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 13-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control, repeat control. With base, dust cover. Size 18x141/2x8 in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  7. Technics SL-1360 - 2-speed automatic turntable/changer with slow-speed, electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.04 percent, rumble-70 dB (weighted). 13-in. platter. Variable speed control with built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate and cue control. With base and dust cover.
  8. Technics SL-1500 - 2-speed turntable with slow-speed, electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble-70 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, adjustable anti-skate and cue control. With base and dust cover.
  9. Technics SL-1510 - 2-speed turntable with DC servo motor, direct drive. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble 70 dB (weighted). Variable speed control, built-in strobe display. 13 in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 18x141/2x51/2 in. Wt. 171/2 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Thorens TD 125 Mk II - 3-speed turntable without tone arm. Electronically governed synchronous motor with belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble (weighted) -68 dB. With interchangeable board for tone arm. Size 18x5x14 in. Wt. 32 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Thorens TD 125 Mk II B - Same as Thorens TD 125 Mk II except has base cabinet.
  3. Thorens TD 125 Mk II AB - Same as Thorens TD 125 Mk II except has base and Thorens model TP 16 tone arm. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm has adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell.
  4. Thorens TD 145 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble 65 dB (weighted). 12-in., 7-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 18x14x51/2 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  5. Thorens TD 160C - 2-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble 65 dB (weighted). 12-in., 7-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubulartone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. With base, dust cover. Size 18x14x51/2 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  6. Thorens TD 166 - 2-speed turntable with synchronous motor, belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.06 per cent, rumble 65 dB (weighted). 12-in., 3-lb. platter. Counterbalanced tubulartone arm with adjustable stylus force, anti-skate. Plug-in cartridge shell, cue control. Size 17x131/2x8 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/240 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Toshiba SR-80 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable. Synchronous motor with belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.1 per cent. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With Toshiba C-402S electret condenser cartridge, built-in cartridge energizer and preamplifier. Automatic tone arm return and shutoff at end of record. With base and dust cover. Size 193/4x8x153/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  2. Toshiba SR-300C - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.1 per cent, rumble -45 dB (weighted). Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate, cue control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 133/4x173/4x71/4 in. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  3. Toshiba SR-510 - 2-speed automatic turntable with direct drive, electronically governed motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, rumble -60 dB (weighted). Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tonearm with adjustable stylus force, cue control, anti-skate and plug-in cartridge shell. With base, dust cover and cartridge. Size 213/4x171/2 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110/220 volts, 50/60 Hz.
  4. Toshiba SR-870 - Two speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.1 per cent, rumble -45 dB (weighted). Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus force, cuing control, anti-skate and plug-in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 18|/2x14/4 in. Wt. 1 8 lbs.




  • Wharfedale Linton - Four speed automatic turntable/changer. Induction-type motor. Flutter and wow 0.1 per cent, rumble (weighted) -57 dB. Counterbalanced tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, anti-skate, cuing control and plug-in cartridge shell. With base. 110-220 volts, 50/60 Hz.




  1. Yamaha YP-701 - 2-speed semi-automatic turntable with synchronous motor and belt drive. Flutter and wow 0.08 per cent, S/N ratio 48 dB. 12-in. platter. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control and plug in cartridge shell. With base and dust cover. Size 19x161/4x61'2 in. Wt. 201/4 lbs.
  2. Yamaha YP-800 - 2-speed turntable with slow-speed, electronically governed direct-drive motor. Flutter and wow 0.03 per cent, S/N ratio 60 dB. 12-in., 4.4 lb. platter. Variable speed control and built-in strobe display. Counterbalanced tubular tone arm with adjustable stylus pressure, adjustable anti-skate, cue control, plug-in cartridge shell and low-capacitance wiring. With base and dust cover. Size 19x7x141/2 in. Wt. 271 2 lbs. 117 volts, 50/60 Hz.


Phono Cartridges




  1. Audio-Technica AT-1 2E - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 15-30k Hz, channel separation 22 dB at 1k Hz. Tracking force 1.25 to 2 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  2. Audio-Technica 12S - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Frequency response 1 5-45k Hz, channel separation 25 dB at 1 k Hz. Tracking force 1.5 to 2.0 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  3. Audio-Technica AT15Sa - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with Shibata stylus. Frequency response 5-45k Hz, channel separation 25 dB. Tracking force 1-2 grams.
  4. Audio-Technica AT20SLa - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with Shibata stylus. Frequency response 5-50k Hz, channel separation 25 dB at 1k Hz. Tracking force 1-2 grams. Replaceable stylus.




  • Decca Mark 5 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz. Vertical compliance 5x10-6 cm/dyne. Recommended tracking force 3 grams. Stylus not user replaceable.




  1. Elac STS 255-17 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with conical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, channel separation 22 dB at 1 kHz. Tracing force 1V2-3 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  2. Elac STS 355-E - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-22k Hz, channel separation 24 dB at 1 k Hz, compliance 30x10 6 cm/dyne, track-ability 7.5 cm/sec at 100 Hz with 1.0 grams tracking force. Tracking force 1 to 2 grams. Recommended impedance 47k Ohms.
  3. Elac STS 655-D4 - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Frequency response 10-50k Hz, channel separation 26 dB at 1 k Hz, 20 dB at 25k-50k Hz. Compliance 30x10 6 cm/dyne, trackability 7.5 cm/sec at 100 Hz with 1.0 grams tracking force. Tracking force 1 to 2 grams. Recommended impedance 47k-100k Ohms.




  1. Empire 66E/X - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 8-30k Hz, channel separation 30 dB, tracking force 0.75 to 3 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  2. Empire 440D - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Frequency response 8-40k Hz, channel separation 35 dB (left to right), 25 dB (front to rear). Tracking force 0.75 to 1.5 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  3. Empire 1000ZE/X - Elliptical 0.2x0.7 mil stylus. Tracking force from 0.1 grams. Compliance 35x10 6 cm/dyne. Frequency response 20-20,000 Hz ±1 dB. IM distortion 0.05 per cent. Stereo separation 35 dB at 1 k Hz, replaceable stylus.
  4. Empire 2000E - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-30k Hz, channel separation 30dB, tracking force 1 to 3 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  5. Empire 2000E/I - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 8-32k Hz, channel separation 35 dB, tracking force 0.75 to 1.5 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  6. Empire 2000E/II - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 6-33k Hz, channel separation 35 dB, tracking force 0.5 to 1.5 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  7. Empire 2000E/III - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 5-35k Hz, channel separation 35 dB, tracking force 0.5 to 1.5 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  8. Empire 4000D/I - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Frequency response 10-40k Hz, channel separation 35 dB, tracking force, 0.75 to 1.5 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  9. Empire 4000D/II - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Frequency response 5-45k Hz, channel separation 35 dB, tracking force 0.5 to 1.5 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  10. Empire 4000D/III - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Frequency response 5-50k Hz, channel separation 35 dB, tracking force 0.25 to 1.25 grams. Replaceable stylus.




  1. Grado F1+ - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with twin-tip stylus. Frequency response 10-60k Hz, channel separation 25 dB. Tracking force 0.75 to 2 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  2. Grado F2+ - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-60k Hz, channel separation 25 dB. Tracking force 0.75 to 2 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  3. Grado F3E+ - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 1 0-50k Hz, channel separation 20dB. Tracking force 1 to 2 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  4. Grado FCE+1 - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-50k Hz, channel separation 20 dB at 10-30 kHz. Tracking force 1-1 Vi grams. Replaceable stylus.
  5. Grado FTE+1 - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-50k Hz, separation 20 dB from 10-30 kHz. Tracking force 1-11/2 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  6. Grado G1h-CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with special stylus. Frequency response 10-60k Hz, channel separation 25 dB from 10-30 kHz. Tracking force 1-11/2 grams. Replaceable stylus.




  1. JVC 4MD-10X - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Frequency response 20-60k Hz. Tracking force 1.5 to 2.0 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  2. JVC 4MD-20X - CD-4/stereo dynamic cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Tracking force 1.5to 2.0 grams. Replaceable stylus.




  1. Kenwood V-40A - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with special parabolic stylus. Frequency response 10-60kHz, channel separation 30 dB at 1kHz. Compliance 10x106 cm/dyne. Tracking force 1.5 to 2.1 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  2. Micro/Acoustics Micro/Acoustics QDC-1E - Stereo pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 5-20k Hz (±2 dB). Channel separation 30 dB. Tracking force 0.9-1.5 grams. Impedance 47k Ohms.




  • Micro/Seiki VF-3500F-CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with special stylus. Frequency response 5-50k Hz, channel separation 30 dB at 1 kHz. Tracking force 1.8 grams. Replaceable stylus.




  1. Ortofon F 15 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 20-8k Hz (±1 dB). Channel separation 25 dB at 1 k Hz. Vertical compliance 25x1 0 6 cm/dyne, trackability 6.0 cm/sec at 300 Hz with 1.5 grams tracking force. Tracking force 1 to 2 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  2. Ortofon F 15E - Same as Ortofon F 15 except has elliptical stylus.
  3. Ortofon M 15 Super - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 20-10k Hz (±1 dB), channel separation 25 dB at 1 k Hz. Vertical compliance 30x10 6 cm/dyne, trackability 8.0 cm/sec at 300 Hz with 1.0 grams tracking force. Tracking force 0.75 to 1.5 grams.
  4. Ortofon M 15E Super - Same as Ortofon M 1 5 Super except has elliptical stylus.
  5. Ortofon SL 15E Mkll - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-10k Hz (± 1 dB). Channel separation 25 dB at 1k Hz. Vertical compliance 15x1(T6 cm/dyne, trackability 6.0 cm/sec at 300 Hz with 1.75 grams tracking force. Tracking force 1.5 to 2.0 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  6. Ortofon SL 15 Q - CD-4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Frequency response 20-50k Hz. Channel separation 25 dB at 1k Hz. Vertical compliance 15x10 6 cm/dyne, trackability 6.0 cm/sec at 300 Hz with 1.75 grams tracking force. Tracking force 1.5 to 2.0 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  7. Ortofon VMS 20E - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-10k Hz (±1 dB). Channel separation 25 dB at 1k Hz. Vertical compliance 30x10 6 cm/dyne, trackability 7.0 cm/sec at 300 Hz with 1.0 grams tracking force. Tracking force 0.7 5 to 1.5 grams. Replaceablestylus. Ortofon VMS 20 S - Same as Ortofon VMS 20 E except has spherical stylus.




  1. Philips GP-400 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±4 dB), channel separation 24 dB at 1k Hz. Vertical compliance 16x10 6 cm/dyne. Tracking force 1/2-3 grams. Impedance 47k ohms.
  2. Philips GP-401 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±4 dB), channel separation 24 dB at 1k Hz. Vertical compliance 16x10 6 cm/dyne. Tracking force 1/2-3 grams. Impedance 47k ohms.
  3. Philips GP-412 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±2 dB), channel separation 25 dB at 1k Hz. Vertical compliance 20x10 6 cm/dyne. Tracking force %-VA grams. Impedance 47k ohms.




  1. Pickering UV-15/2000 O - Same as Pickering UV-1 5/2400 Q except has frequency response of 20-45k Hz and channel separation of 30 dB.
  2. Pickering UV-1 5/2400 Q - CD 4/stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with tri-radial stylus. Frequency response 1 0-50k Hz. Channel separation 35 dB. Tracking force 1-3 grams. Recommended load impedance 100k ohms. Replaceablestylus.
  3. Pickering V-15 Micro IV ACE - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-17kHz. Channel separation 26 dB. Tracking force4 grams. Specially designed for automatic changers. Replaceable stylus.
  4. Pickering V-15 Micro IV AM - Similar to Pickering V-15 Micro IV AME except has spherical stylus.
  5. Pickering V-15 Micro IV AME - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz. Channel separation 30 dB. Tracking force 1.5 grams. Replaceable stylus.
  6. Pickering V-15 Micro IV AT-Similar to Pickering V-15 Micro IV ATE except has spherical stylus.
  7. Pickering V-15 Micro IV ATE - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-18k Hz. Channel separation 28 dB. Tracking force 3 grams. Specially designed for automatic turntables. Replaceable stylus.
  8. Pickering XV-15/100 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 10-20kHz, stereo separation 35 dB. Tracking force 3-7 grams. Brush, replaceable stylus.
  9. Pickering XV-15/140E- Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-20kHz, stereo separation 35 dB. Tracking force 3-5 grams. Brush, replaceable stylus.
  10. Pickering XV-15/150 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 10-25k Hz, stereo separation 35 dB. Tracking force 2-4 grams. Brush, replaceable stylus.
  11. Pickering XV-15/200E - Stereo dynamic pickup with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-25k Hz. Channel separation 35 dB. Tracking force 2-4 grams. Replaceable stylus. With built-in record brush.
  12. Pickering XV-15/350 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 10-25kHz, stereo separation 35 dB. Tracking force 1-3 grams. Brush, replaceable stylus.
  13. Pickering XV-15/400E - Stereo dynamic pickup with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-25k Hz. Channel separation 35 dB. Tracking force 0.75-1.5 grams. Replaceable stylus. With built-in record brush.
  14. Pickering XV-15/750E - Stereo dynamic pickup with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-25k Hz. Channel separation 35 dB. Tracking force 0.5-1 gram. Replaceable stylus. With built-in record brush.
  15. Pickering XV-15/1200E - Stereo dy namic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-30k Hz. Channel separation 35 dB. Tracking force 0.75 gram. Replaceable stylus.




  1. Sansui SC-32 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 15-20kHz, stereo separation 30 dB at 1 kHz. Tracking force Vk-2 grams.
  2. Sansui SC-34 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, stereo separation 25 dB at 1 kHz. Tracking force 2 grams.
  3. Sansui SC-38 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz. Tracking force Vk-2 grams. Replaceable stylus. For Sansui SR 313 turntable.
  4. Sansui SV-27 - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with special stylus. Frequency response 10-23kHz. Tracking force Vk-2 grams. Replaceable stylus. For Sansui FR 4060 turntables.




  1. Sanyo MG-15L - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with diamond stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz (±2dB), stereo separation 25 dB at 1 kHz.
  2. Sanyo MG-25L- Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with diamond stylus. Frequency response 15-25k Hz, channel separation 25 dB at 1 kHz. Tracking force 2-21/2 grams.




  1. Shure M3D - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 20-15k Hz, channel separation 20 dB at 1 kHz. Tracking force 3-6 grams.
  2. Shure M44E - Stereo dynamic pickup car-
  3. tridgewith elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, channel separation 25 dB at 1 kHz. Tracking force 13/4-4 grams.
  4. Shure M55E - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, channel separation 25 dB at 1kHz. Tracking force 3k~2 grams.
  5. Shure M75ECS - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz. Channel separation 25 dB. Trackability 24 cm/sec (1k Hz). Tracking force 1.5-3 grams. Impedance 47k ohms. Replaceable stylus.
  6. Shure M75ED Type 2 - Stereo dynamic pickup with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz. Channel separation 25 dB. Tracking force 0.75-1.5 grams. Track-ability at 33 cm/sec at 1 gram (1k Hz). Replaceable stylus. Built-in stylus guard.
  7. Shure M91ED - Stereo dynamic pickup. Same as Shure M75ED type 2 except does not have built-in stylus guard.
  8. Shure M91 ED-BJ - Shure model M91 ED pickup cartridge premounted for Miracord turntable.
  9. Shure M91ED-DL - Shure model M91 ED pickup cartridge premounted for Dual turntable.
  10. Shure M91 ED-GZ - Stereo dynamic pickup. Same as Shure M91 ED except premounted for Garrard turntable.
  11. Shure M91ED-PE3060T - Shure M91ED pickup cartridge pre-mounted for Perpetuum-Ebner turntable.
  12. Shure M95ED - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, stereo separation 25 dB at 1 kHz. Tracking force 0.75-1 V2 grams. Trackability 33 cm/sec. at 1 gram (1 kHz). Replaceable stylus, built-in stylus guard.
  13. Shure V-1 5 Type III - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-25k Hz. Channel separation 28 dB. Trackability 38 cm/sec (1k Hz). Tracking force 0.75-1.5 grams. Impedance 47k ohms. Replaceable stylus.
  14. Shure V-15 Type III DL - Shure model V-15 Type III premounted for Dual turntable.
  15. Shure V-15 Type III GZ - Shure model V-15 Type III premounted for Garrard turntable.




  1. Sony VL-30G - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, channel separation 25 dB at 1 k Hz. Tracking force 2.5-3.5 grams.
  2. Sony VM-26G - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge. Frequency response 20-20k Hz, channel separation 25 dB at 1 kHz. Tracking force 1.5-2.5 grams.




  1. Stanton 500AA - Spherical 0.5 mil stylus. Tracking force % to 3 grams, frequency response 20-10,000 Hz ±1 dB, 10,000-20,000 Hz ±2 dB. Channel balance within 2 dB, separation 35 dB.
  2. Stanton 500E - Elliptical 0.4x0.9 mil stylus. Tracking force 2-5 grams, frequency response 20-10,000 Hz ± dB, 10,000-20,000 Hz ±2 dB. Channel balance within 2 dB, separation 35 dB.
  3. Stanton 600A - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with spherical stylus. Frequency response 10-20k Hz. Channel separation 35 dB. Tracking force 1 -3 grams. Impedance 47k ohms. Replaceable stylus.
  4. Stanton 600E - Same as Stanton 600A except has wide elliptical stylus.
  5. Stanton 600EE - Same as Stanton 600A except has narrow elliptical stylus (0.2x0.9 mil).
  6. Stanton 681A - Spherical 0.7 mil stylus. Tracking force 1-3 grams, frequency response 10-10,000 Hz ±% dB, 10,000-20,000 Hz individually calibrated. Channel balance within 2 dB, separation 35 dB. Removable longhair brush assembly.
  7. Stanton 681 EE - Elliptical 0.2x0.9 stylus Tracking force % to 134 grams, frequency
  8. response 20-10,000 ±/2 dB, 10,000-20,000 Hz individually calibrated. Channel balance within 2 dB, separation 35 dB. Removable longhair brush assembly.
  9. Stanton 681SE - Same as Stanton 681 EE except has wide elliptical stylus (0.4x0.9 mil).
  10. Stanton 681 Triple E- Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with elliptical stylus. Frequency response 10-22kMz, channel separation 35 dB. Tracking force 1/4-1 gram.
  11. Stanton 681T- Calibrated set including Stanton 681 EE cartridge with elliptical stylus plus 0.7 mil. spherical stylus.
  12. Stanton 780/4DQ - Stereo dynamic pickup cartridge with Quadrahedral stylus and extended frequency response for carrier-frequency (CD- 4) records. Frequency response 10-50k Hz. Channel separation 35 dB. Tracking force 1 -3 grams. Impedance 100k ohms.




  • Technics EPC-450C-II - CD-4/stereo semiconductor pickup cartridge with special stylus. Frequency response DC-50k Hz, channel separation 20 dB at 1 kHz. Tracking force 11/2-2V2 grams. Replaceable stylus.


Tone Arms




  • Micro MA-202 Tubular tone arm with adjustable tracking force, anti-skate, plug-in cartridge shell and cuing control. With arm rest. Adjustable mount allows variance in base position. Low-capacitance wiring. With output plug and cable. Pivot to stylus length 9 in.




  • Ortofon AS 212 - Tubular tone arm with adjustable tracking force, anti-skate, plug-in cartridge shell and cuing control. Nickel-chromium plated tube body with arm rest. Adjustable mount allows variance in base position. With output plug and cable. Pivot to stylus length 9 in.




  • SME 3009/S2 Improved - Tubular tone arm with adjustable tracking force, anti-skate, plug-in cartridge shell and cuing control. Aluminum tube body with wood core. With arm rest. Adjustable mount allows 1 -in. variance in base position. Low-capac-itiance cable. Knife bearings. Finger lift. With output plug and cable. Pivot to stylus length 9 in.


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