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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


In den diversen 1975er Editorials von Walter Rios und auch ganz unten liest man dann ganz versteckt, daß einzelne Verkaufsorganisationen der auf einmal konkurrierenden Militär-Versorger (AAFES) anfingen, sich von jetzt an bei Audio und Hifi einen gnadenlosen Wettberwerb zu den Audio-Clubs zu machen - wie bei uns die Supermärkte Aldi, Lidl und Netto und Norma. Am Ende ging es also doch nur ums Geld.


Die (Military)- Price List - December 1975

Sony PS-1100 EUCOM,about $ 61.10
Wharfedale Linton Clubs, about $ 62.00
Pioneer PL-12D Clubs,about $ 71.00
Pioneer PL-15R AAFES, Europe $ 72.00
Sanyo TP-92S Clubs, about $ 77.50
Kenwood KD-1022 Clubs, about $ 84.00
ARXA Universal Clubs, about $ 87.50
Dual 1225 AAFES, Europe $ 87.50
Technics SL-20 Clubs,about $ 88.00
Kenwood KD-2030 NEX, Clubs, about $ 90.00
Garrard 125SB AAFES, Europe $ 95.00
Sonics SL-1000 EUCOM, Clubs, about $ 97.50
Sansui SR-212 Clubs,about $ 99.00
Onkyo CP55A EUCOM,about $ 99.70
Sony PS-5011 Clubs,about $ 103.00
JVCJ L-A1 NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 105.00
Lenco L-75 Clubs, about $ 108.00
Pioneer PL-A45D NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 108.00
Toshiba SR-300C Clubs, about $ 109.00
Dual 1226 Clubs, about $ 109.95
Kenwood KD-3033 NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 114.50
Philips GA-212 Clubs,about $ 115.00
B.I.C. 960 International Clubs,about $ 116.00
Elac PC625 AAFES, Europe $ 117.00
Lenco L-65 Clubs, about $ 120.00
Lenco L-78 Clubs, about $ 120.00
Sony PS-2350 Clubs,about $ 120.00
Onkyo CP60A EUCOM,about $ 122.25
Dual CS-510 Clubs,about $ 123.00
GarrardZerol00C-2 NEX $ 125.00
Sansui FR-3080 NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 127.00
Garrard 86 SB Mark II AAFES, Europe $ 130.00
Technics SL-1510 Clubs,about $ 130.00
Technics SL-1500 NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 132.00
Sansui SR-313 Clubs, about $ 134.00
Rotel RP-3000 Clubs, about $ 136.75
SonyPS-5550 Clubs, about $ 137.00
Sansui SR-626 Clubs, about $ 139.00
Dual CS-1228 Clubs,about $ 139.95
Sansui SR-525 NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 142.00
KLH Research Ten Model 60 Clubs, about $ 144.50
Sharp RP-3500H EUCOM, about $ 145.00
Thorens TD 166 Clubs, about $ 145.00
BIC 980 International Clubs,about $ 146.00
DualCS-601 AAFES, Europe $ 147.50
Technics SL-120 Clubs,about $ 149.00
ElacPC760 AAFES, Europe $ 150.00
SansuiFR-4060 Clubs,about $ 150.00
ThorensTD 160C Clubs,about $ 155.00
Toshiba SR-80 Clubs, about $ 156.00
DualCS-601C(w.cart.) Clubs,about $ 159.00
Micro/Seiki DD-1 Clubs,about $ 159.00
BIC 980 AAFES,Europe $ 160.00
ElacPC50HII AAFES,Europe $ 163.00
ThorensTD 125MkII Clubs,about $ 165.00
Garrard Zero 2000B AAFES, Europe $ 170.00
DualCS-1249S AAFES, Europe, about $ 170.00
Pioneer PL-55X Clubs, about $ 174.00
Panasonic SL-650 AAFES, Europe $ 176.00
Pioneer PL-55DX NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 176.00
Sansui SR-717 Clubs, about $ 176.00
Kenwood KD-5033F NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 177.00
Toshiba SR-870 Clubs, about $ 178.00
Technics SL-1300 NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 180.00
Dual 1229Q NEX $ 182.00
Yamaha YP-701 Clubs, about $ 182.00
Dual CS-1249C(w. cart.) Clubs, about $ 185.00
TechnicsSL-1310 Clubs,about $ 185.00
ThorensTD 125MkIIB Clubs, about $ 185.00
Kenwood KD-5033 Clubs, about $ 192.00
Pioneer PL-71 Clubs, about $ 199.00
Sony PS-4750 NEX SPO, EUCOM, Clubs, about $ 199.00
Dual CS-701 Clubs,about $ 199.92
Thorens TD 145 Clubs, about $ 200.00
Micro/Seiki Solid-5 Clubs, about $ 215.00
Technics SL-1350 Clubs, about $ 215.00
Technics SL-1360 NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 217.00
JVCJL-B44 Clubs, about $ 220.00
Philips GA-209 Clubs, about $ 220.00
Technics SL-1100 Clubs, about $ 241.00
DualCS-701 (w.cart.) AAFES, Europe $ 245.00
ThorensTD 125MkII AB Clubs, about $ 245.00
Sony PS-6750 EUCOM, Clubs, about $ 258.00
Sanyo TP-1000 Clubs, about $ 268.00
Harman/Kardon Rabco ST-7 Clubs, about $ 297.00
YamahaY P-800 Clubs,about $ 316.00
Empire Troubador 598/III Clubs, about $ 324.00
Toshiba SR-510 Clubs,about $ 324.00
Sony PS-8750 EUCOM,about $ 404.50
Sony PSE-4000 Clubs, about $ 421.00

Die (Military)- Price List - December 1975

Empire66E/X Clubs,about $ 8.00
Shure M3D Clubs, about $ 9.00
Pickering V-15 Micro IV ACE Clubs, about $ 9.50
Pickering V-15 Micro IV AT Clubs, about $ 9.50
Grado FTE+1 Clubs,about $ 11.00
Shure M44E AAFES, Europe; Clubs, about $ 11.00
Pickering V-15 Micro IV AM Clubs,about $ 11.20
Pickering XV-15/100 Clubs, about $ 11.40
Shure M55E Clubs,about $ 12.00
Pickering V-15 Micro IV ATE Clubs, about $ 12.30
Pickering V-15/150 Clubs,about $ 12.60
Sony VM-26-G EUCOM,about $ 12.95
Pickering XV-15/140E Clubs, about $ 13.20
Empire 2000E Clubs,about $ 14.00
Shure M75ECS Clubs,about $ 14.00
Pickering XV-15/350 Clubs, about $ 14.50
Pickering V-15 Micro IV AME Clubs,about $ 14.90
Pickering XV-15/200E Clubs, about $ 16.40
Stanton 500AA Clubs,about $ 17.50
Stanton 500E Clubs, about $ 17.75
Pickering XV- 15/400E NEX, AAFES, Europe $ 18.50
Elac STS-225-17 Clubs, about $ 19.00
Empire 2000E/I Clubs, about $ 19.00
Shure M75EDTypeII Clubs,about $ 19.00
Shure M91ED Clubs, about $ 19.00
Shure M91ED-BJ AAFES,Europe $ 19.00
Shure M91ED (PE3060T) AAFES, Europe $ 19.00
Micro/Seiki VF-3500/F Clubs, about $ 20.00
Shure M91ED-DL AAFES, Europe; NEX; Clubs, about $ 20.00
Shure M91ED-GZ AAFES, Europe; NEX; Clubs, about $ 20.00
Philips GP400 Clubs,about $ 22.00
Empire 2000E/II Clubs, about $ 23.00
Sony VL30G Clubs,about $ 23.56
Elac STS-355E Clubs,about $ 24.00
Sansui SC-32 Clubs,about $ 24.00
Sansui SC-38 Clubs,about $ 24.00
Stanton 600A Clubs,about $ 24.40
Shure M95ED AAFES, Europe; Clubs, about $ 25.00
Startton 600E Clubs, about $ 25.85
Grado FCE+1 Clubs, about $ 26.00
Audio-Technica AT-12E Clubs, about $ 26.40
Ortofon F 15 Clubs, about $ 27.00
Sansui SC34 Clubs,about $ 27.40
Sansui SV27 Clubs,about $ 27.40
Sanyo MG15L Clubs, about $ 27.50
Stanton 600EE AAFES, Europe; Clubs, about $ 28.60
Empire 440D Clubs,about $ 29.00
Grado F3E+ Clubs, about $ 30.00
Pickering UV-15/2000Q Clubs, about $ 31.30
Pickering XV- 15/750E AAFES, Europe $ 32.00
Empire 2000E/III Clubs, about $ 32.00
Stanton 681SE Clubs, about $ 32.50
Ortofon F 15E Clubs,about $ 33.00
Stanton 681EE Clubs,about $ 33.00
Philips GP401 Clubs, about $ 34.00
Stanton 681A Clubs,about $ 38.80
Ortofon VMS 20S Clubs, about $ 39.00
Pickering UV-15/2400Q AAFES, Europe $ 39.00
Pickering XV-15/1200E AAFES,Europe $ 39.00
Grado F2+ Clubs, about $ 40.00
JVC4 MD-20X AAFES, Europe; NEX; PACEX $ 40.00
Technics EPC-450-II Clubs, about $ 40.00
Sanyo MG 25L Clubs, about $ 41.00
Audio-Technica AT- 12S Clubs, about $ 42.25
JVC 4MD-10X Clubs,about $ 45.00
Kenwood V-40A Clubs, about $ 46.00
Ortofon VMS 20E Clubs, about $ 46.00
Stanton 681 TripleE Clubs,about $ 47.55
Elac STS-655-D4 Clubs, about $ 49.00
Grado FH- Clubs,about $ 50.00
Philips GP412 Clubs,about $ 50.00
Empire 4000D/I Clubs,about $ 54.00
Ortofon M 15Super Clubs,about $ 55.00
Stanton 681T Clubs, about $ 55.00
Micro/Acoustics QDC IE Clubs, about $ 57.00
Shure V-15 Type III AAFES, Europe; Clubs, about $ 57.50
Shure V-15 Type III DL NEX, Clubs, about $ 58.00
Shure V-15 Type III GZ NEX, Clubs, about $ 58.00
Audio-Technica AT- 15Sa AAFES, Europe; PACEX $ 59.00
Ortofon M15ESuper Clubs,about $ 62.00
Decca MarkV Clubs,about $ 65.00
Empire 1000ZE/X Clubs, about $ 65.00
Ortofon SL15EMk II Clubs,about $ 65.00
Stanton 780/4DQ AAFES, Europe; Clubs, about $ 76.90
Audio-Technica AT 20SLa Clubs, about $ 77.00
Empire 4000D/II Clubs, about $ 78.00
Ortofon SL15 Q Clubs, about $ 80.00
Empire 4000D/III Clubs, about $ 92.00
Grado Gl+ Clubs,about $ 100.00

Die (Military)- Price List - December 1975

Ortofon AS-212 Clubs, about $ 64.00
MicroMA-202 Clubs,about $ 72.00
SME-3009/S2 Clubs,about $ 75.00

Die Abkürzungen bedeuten :


  1. NEX = Navy Exchange Mail Order Catalog 1975-76.
  2. NEX/SPO = Special Order item available through the NEX catalog.
  3. PACEX = AAFES, Pacific Mail Order Catalog 1976.
  4. EUCOM = The audio-photo club at Patch Barracks, Stuttgart.

* These items are also available through the 1976 AAFES, Europe Mail Order Catalog.

Die (Military)- Price List - December 1975

Sanyo G2615N Clubs,about $ 159.00
Dual HS-130 Clubs,about $ 172.00
Toshiba SM-270 Clubs,about $ 176.00
Sanyo DXT-5600 Clubs,about $ 180.00
Onkyo F-1 AAFES,Europe $ 185.00
Zenith F584W AAFES,Europe $ 185.00
Panasonic SG-1020L Clubs, about $ 195.00
Sanyo GXT-4510K Clubs,about $ 195.00
Superscope SMS-1816P AAFES,Europe $ 199.00
SharpS G-309H EUCOM,about $ 213.15
Sharp SG-165 EUCOM,about $ 217.60
General Electric 9-7052 AAFES, Europe $ 220.00
Toshiba SX-150C Clubs,about $ 226.00
Sanyo GXT-4514 Clubs,about $ 230.00
Sony HMK-20 EUCOM,about $ 234.40
Superscope SMS-3826P AAFES, Europe $ 235.00
Sanyo GXT-4620 Clubs,about $ 237.00
Panasonic SE-1077 AAFES, Europe; NEX; PACEX $ 244.00
Onkyo X-500 AAFES,Europe $ 250.00
Onkyo DF-800 EUCOM,about $ 251.00
Sony HP-179P/SS77P AAFES, Europe; NEX; PACEX $ 252.00
Dual KA-12L Clubs,about $ 257.00
Sanyo G2601KCA Clubs,about $ 258.00
Sanyo GXT-4540KLC Clubs, about $ 258.00
Pioneer System PACEX $ 260.00
Sony SQP-400A AAFES, Europe; NEX; EUCOM, about $ 261.00
Onkyo System 1000 EUCOM,about $ 266.25
Dual HS-140 Clubs,about $ 267.00
Sanyo GXT-4650 Clubs,about $ 270.00
Zenith F588W AAFES,Europe $ 275.00
Panasonic RS-257 IS Clubs, about $ 278.00
Panasonic SE-2257 NEX $ 280.00
Sony HQP-655 Clubs,about $ 285.00
Panasonic SG-2500L Clubs, about $ 286.00
Panasonic SG-1070L Clubs, about $ 294.00
Toshiba SM-3000 Clubs, about $ 306.00
Dual HS-53 Clubs,about $ 309.00
Sony HMP-50 Clubs,about $ 320.00
Panasonic SG-2070L Clubs, about $ 329.00
Sanyo GXT-5200K Clubs,about $ 330.00
Dual HS-150 Clubs,about $ 347.00
Panasonic RS-876AS NEX, PACEX $ 350.00
Panasonic SS-7500 AAFES, Europe; PACEX $ 350.00
Kenwood KS-5000 .PACEX $ 360.00
Dual KA-32L Clubs,about $ 380.00
Panasonic RS-87^S AAFES, Europe $ 380.00
Sanyo DXT-5340 Clubs,about $ 398.00
Sony HMK-50 Clubs,about $ 430.00
Panasonic RS-888S AAFES, Europe; NEX $ 440.00
Panasonic RS-888Sm Clubs, about $ 540.00
Philips 22RH 832 Clubs,about $ 622.00


Der Nachsatz über die Preise:

THE PRICES shown in Off Duty Shoppers for audio and photographic equipment have always been subject to change due to market conditions, but rarely as much as in today's lively marketplace.

Not only are prices changing rapidly (happily, many prices are coming down), but there are many instances of products switching suddenly from club to exchange, or vice-versa.

Cause of the relative turmoil in audio/photo circles is the burgeoning competition between AAFES, Europe and the clubs. It pits the Exchange Service's enormous buying power and publicity clout against a fast-moving, highly flexible local club operation that has dominated the audio/photo scene in Europe for several years.

By direct purchase in Japan, AAFES has lowered prices on many popular items. If the club's price for the item is higher, the management may withdraw it from sale. Or, the local importer who supplies the club may reduce his price in order to protect his livelihood. Sometimes the same item, with slightly altered faceplate and model designation, will appear in both exchanges and clubs at comparable prices.

In a few instances, notably in the case of U.S.-made components and accessories, the identical product is available in both exchanges and clubs. If there is a difference in price it is usually temporary because both outlets are anxious to have your business and don't want to be undersold.

So, if our Shopper price list information changes faster than usual these days, it's all to the good. Thanks to competition, the customer is getting a better deal than ever.

- Werbung Dezent -
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