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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Die Novemberausgaben waren bei allen Hifi-Publikationen die für Inserenten wichtigsten Ausgaben des ganzen Jahres

Hier wurde das Weihnachtsgeschäft angekurbelt, auch in den US Kasernen und Housing-Areas, in denen die US Familien wohnten. Diese Ausgaben waren auch im Jahresverlauf die dicksten und seitenstärksten Magazine und voll mit Anzeigen und Sonderangeboten sowie Neuigkeiten.

Das ist also der Nachschlag

Aber Achtung : jeder Eintrag war vom Anbieter zu bezahlen. Wer nicht bezahlt hat, war nicht dabei !!


November 1972 - Last But Not Least... The Amplifiers

Off Duty / Europe / November 1972



  1. AR - Solid state stereo amplifier, RMS power 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms. IM distortion at any output level up to full rated power, less than 0.25 per cent, harmonic distortion less than 0.5 per cent from 20-20,000 Hz including phono preamplifier stages at full power. Frequency response 20-20,000 Hz 1 dB at full power or below. Signal-to-noise ratio at phono input 65 dB (unweighted). Thermostatic self-resetting circuit breakers. Null circuit for channel balancing. Idler power supply




  1. Akai AA-6000 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 45 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-50k Hz -3 dB (aux input). Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). High and low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone jack. Size 1 6x6/4x11 % in. Wt. 25 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Akai AA-6100 - 4-channel control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 15 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-22kHz 3 dB (aux input). Hum and noise -70 dB (aux input). May be used as stereo amplifier. Front panel headphone jack. Rear panel DIN jacks. Speaker off-on switch. Size 17x4x95/8. Wt. 19 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Akai AS-8100S - AM-FM stereo 4-channel tuner amplifier with four amplifier channels. RMS power output 1 8 watts per channel into 8 ohms. Frequency response 20-100k Hz -3 dB, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), FM sensitivity 2 uV (IHF), S/N ratio 60 dB. Stereo separation 40 dB at 1kHz with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Selectivity 60 dB, capture ratio 1.5 dB. Stereo indicator and tuning meter. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, low and high frequency filters, built-in 4-channel matrix decoder with variable separation control, joy-stick 4-channel balance control, remote 4-channel speaker output. Either/none speaker control. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 19/2X 53/4x153/4 in. Wt. 33 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Dokorder 8060 - Solid state stereo amplifier. RMS power 40 watts per channel at 4 ohms with 0.5 per cent distortion at rated output. Frequency response 10-100,000 Hz ±3 dB, IHF power bandwidth 15-50,000 Hz, IHF signal-to-noise ratio 65 dB at phono input. Two ICs. Defeatable loudness contour. Speaker switch. Slide-type controls. Headphone jack. Main/remote/both speaker switch. DIN tape jack. Dual voltage. Wooden side panels.




  1. Dual CV 30 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 25-30k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 30-30k Hz, hum and noise -50 dB (phono input), IM distortion 2.5 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Size 161/2x41/4x13% in. Wt. 11 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Dual CV 60 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 20 watts per channel into 4 ohms with0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 1 5-60k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 8-60k Hz, hum and noise -62 dB (phono input). Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone input, on/off speaker switch, front-panel headphone jack. DIN input and output jacks. Size 16/2x4 !4x 13/4 in. Wt. 14 lbs.
  3. Dual CV 120 - stereo amplifier. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 15-60k Hz ±1.5 dB, power bandwidth 8-60k Hz, hum and noise -62 dB (phono input). Slide-type level controls, defeatable loudness circuit, microphone input, tape monitor, rumble and noise filters, remote speaker output, overload indicators, presence control, front-panel headphone jack. DIN input and output jacks. Size 16/2x4!4x 13/4 in. Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Dynaco SCA-80Q - Stereo amplifier with built-in post-amplifier 4-channel matrix decoder. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion at all frequencies, both channels driven. Power bandwidth 8-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, rumble and narrow band filters, built-in high-level 4-channel matrix decoder produces 4-channel sound when four speakers are connected. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 13/2x4/4x10 in. Wt. 18 lbs. In kit form; available assembled. 110-220 volts.




  1. Fisher TX-50 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 20 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent distortion. Overall frequency response 35-1 5kHz 2dB (phono input), 20-30kHz (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 25-25kHz. Hum and noise -55 dB (phono input), -65 dB (aux input). IM distortion 1.0 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit. High frequency filter. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 15l/8x43/4x9. Wt. 1 3/2 lbs.
  2. Fisher TX-2000 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 50 watts per channel into 4 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 35-1 5kHz (phono input), 20-40kHz 1.5 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 22-24kHz. Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), -66 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.8 per cent. Center channel speaker output. Two high and one low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel tape recorder and headphone jacks. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 15V8x43/4x123/4. Wt. 24 lbs. 120-220-240 volts.




  1. Galactron Mark 10B - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 70 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-20k Hz -2 dB, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness control, speaker muting control, selectable line output circuits, low and high frequency filters, five channel mixer with interchangeable channel preamps and equalizer boards, two VU meters, remote speaker output, external preamp/power-amp junction, pan control for cross mixing two inputs, front-panel headphone jack. Size 18l4x 53/4x12!4 in. Wt. 33 lbs.




  1. Heathkit AA-15 - stereo amplifier. RMS output power 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 8-40k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 6-30k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), llVkdistortion 0.5 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, tone defeat conrol, remote speaker output, two front-panel headphone jacks, Main/ remote/both/none speaker switches. Size 43/4x17x12K2 in. Wt. 37 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Heathkit AA-2004 - 4-channel amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. RMS power output 35 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion at all frequencies. Frequency response 7-50k Hz -1 dB, power bandwidth 5-45k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. 4-channel tape monitor circuit, five 4-channel inputs, 4-channel remote speaker output, four VU meters, external preamp/ power-amp junction, meter sensitivity control, built-in regular 4-channel matrix decoder. Front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks.




  1. JVC-Nivico MCA-V7E - 4-channel control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 12.5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20~40k Hz +0, -1.5 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 30-30k Hz. Hum and noise -80 dB (phono input), -85 dB (aux input). Has circuit to create 4-channel effect with stereo material. Four VU meters. Headphone jacks for front and rear channels. Connections for preamp and power amp. Size 167/8x53/8x1178. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. JVC-Nivico MCA "I04Z - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 26 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. Microphone input, two phono inputs, tape monitor circuit, preamp output five-section frequency equalizer with control frequencies at 60, 250, 1 k, 5k and 15k Hz, front-panel headphone jack. Size 51/2x1 6x12/4 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. JVC-Nivico MCA-105E - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 32 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Preamplifier frequency response 25-400k Hz +0.5 dB, power bandwidth 20- 50k Hz (-2 dB), hum and noise -76 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.7 per cent. Built-in pink noise generator and speaker phase inverter, tape monitor circuit, external preamp/power-amp junction, preamp output with independent level controls, microphone input, remote speaker output, seven-control frequency equalizer with control frequencies at 40/60, 1 50, 400, 1000, 2400, 6k, and 15kHz, 20 dB speaker attentuation control, either/both/ none speaker switch. Front-panel headphone jack. Size 5x1 73/4x151/2 in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  4. JVC-Nivico VN-900 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.25 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20- 50k Hz, power bandwidth 20-20k Hz, hum and noise -56 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.4 per cent. Built-in pink noise generator and speaker phase inverter, high and low frequency filters, 20 dB speaker muting, defeatable loudness circuit, two tape monitor circuits, independent tape dubbing circuit, seven-section frequency equalizer with control frequencies at 40, 1 50, 400, 1 k, 2.4k, 6k and 1 5k Hz, remote speaker output,front-panel headphone jack, either/both/ none speaker switches. Size 5J4x16%x12/2 in. Wt. 28 lbs, 110-220 volts.
  5. JVC-Nivico 4VN-550 - 4-channel amplifier. RMS power output 1 2.5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 20-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). Defeatable loudness circuit, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, built-in 4-channel simulation circuit for use with stereo material, high frequency filter, strappable output for stereo use, 4-channel remote control jack, external preamp/power-amp junctions front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 5/2x15^x12 in. Wt. 19 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  6. JVC-Nivico 4VN-880 - 4 channel amplifier. RMS power output 25 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 10-50k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 10~30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distohtion 0.8 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, high and low frequency filtes, four VU meters, meter sensitivity control, 4-channel tape monitor, built-in 4-channel simulation circuit for use with stereo material, strappable output for stereo use, 4-channel remote control jack, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 51/sx161/2X 14/4 in. Wt. 30 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  7. JVC-Nivico 4VN-990 - Same as JVC-Nivico 4VN-880 except has RMS power output of 35 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven, and built-in five-section frequency equalizer with control frequencies at 40, 250, 1k, 5k and 15k Hz.




  1. Kenwood KA-2002 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 17 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-30kHz f 2 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 20-30kHz. Hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), -70 dB (aux input). Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone jack. Step-type tone controls. Size 1 3x5x9/2. Wt. 1 2 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Kenwood KA-4002 - Solid state, stereo amplifier. RMS power with both channels driven 18 watts per channel at 8 ohms. IM distortion 0.5 per cent at rated output, 0.2 per cent at rated output -3 dB. Frequency response 15-50,000 Hz ±1.5 dB (power amp), 20-40,000 Hz 1 1.5 dB (high level auxiliary input). IHF power bandwidth 18-30,000 Hz. Stepped tone controls. Two phono inputs. Defeatable loudness control. Main/remote/ both speaker switch. Front-panel tape dubbing jack. Headphone jack. DIN tape jack. Size 3x45/8x9V2 in, weight 12V2 lbs.
  3. Kenwood KA-4004 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 18 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz -1.5 dB, power bandwidth 10-50k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.5 per cent. High and low frequency filters, tone defeat control, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, two tape monitor circuits, independent tape dubbing circuit, remote speaker output, front -panel headphone jack, either/both/ none speaker switch. Size 17x6x1 VU in. Wt. 21 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  4. Kenwood KA-5002 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20kHz. Overall frequency response 20-50kHz 4 1 dB (aux input). Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), -77 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Step-type tone controls. Illuminated source indicators. Speaker muting switch. Defeatable loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Null balance circuit. 4-channel control circuit. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Front panel headphone jack. Phones/ma in/both/remote speaker switch. Size 17x5V4x11. Wt. 20 lbs. 110-220 volts. With cabinet.
  5. Kenwood KA-6004 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-40k Hz -1 dB, power bandwidth 10-50k Hz, hum and noise -68 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Two low frequency filters, high frequency filter, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, two tape monitor circuits, independent tape dubbing circuit, remote speaker output, either/both/none speaker switches, microphone input, front-panel headphone jack. Size 1 7x6x11 % in. Wt. 26 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  6. Kenwood KA-7002 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 20-50k Hz ±1 dB, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, two low-frequency filters, high-frequency filters, stereo mode switch, null balance circuit, two remote speaker outputs, selectable frequency treble and bass controls, speaker muting control, two tape monitor circuits, independent tape dubbing circuit, high and low level phono inputs, any/all/none speaker switch, front-panel headphone jack. External preamp/ power-amp junction. Size 16/4x5/4x1 1 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Leak Delta 30 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 15 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 30-20k Hz ±1 dB, hum and noise -63 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, high frequency filter, high and low phono input levels, front-panel headphone and DIN-type recorder jacks. Size 1 3/2X 4%x10 in.


Lux (später Luxman)


  1. Lux SQ-708 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 25 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-35kHz (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 1 5 30kHz. Hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), -65 dB (aux input). Selectable frequencies for bass and treble tone controls. Defeatable loudness circuit. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Phones/ma in/both/ remote speaker switches. Size 16'/2x5x9.
  2. Lux SQ-505X - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.05 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 10-50kHz -1 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 5-50kHz. Hum and noise -63 dB (phono input), -80 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.04 per cent. Selectable frequencies for bass and treble tone controls. High and low frequency filters. Front panel tape recorder (DIN) and headphone jacks. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Phones/ ma in/both/remote speaker switches. Size 173/4x6l/4x10l/2. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Lux SQ-507 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-50k Hz -1 dB, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). Tape monitor, high and low frequency filters, remote speaker output, selectable frequency treble and bass controls, external preamp/power-amp junction, front-panel headphone jack, either/both/none speaker switches. Size 6/4x1 7%x10/2 in. Wt. 24 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  4. Lux SQ-202 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 80 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-60 kHz -1 dB (aux input). Hum and noise -66 dB (phono input). Front panel jacks for tape recorder, microphone, and headphones. High and low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit. Gain limiting control. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Illuminated function indicators. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 19x6^x11. Wt. 28 lbs.




  1. Marantz 1060 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 30-20kHz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 15-40kHz ±2dB, IHF power bandwidth 15-40kHz. IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Step-type bass, mid, and treble tone controls. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel microphone and headphone jacks. High and low frequency filters. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/remote speaker switch. Size 14'/4x43/4x1 2. Wt. 12 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Marantz 1120 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 5-50k Hz +0.5, -3 dB, power bandwidth 10-40 Hz, IM distortion 0.1 5 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, tape dubbing circuit, microphone input, high and low frequency filters, remote speaker output, defeatable loudness circuit, speaker muting control, external preamp/power-amp junction scope output jacks, either/both/none speaker switches. Size 15/2x53/4x14 in. 110-220 volts.
  3. Marantz 1200 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 100 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.15 per cent harmonic distortion at any frequency 20-20kHz. Overall frequency response at 1 watt, 20-20kHz ±0.1 dB, IHF power bandwidth 10 to 40kHz. Remote speaker output. Front panel jacks for tape recorder and headphones. Slide-type tone controls. Defeatable loudness circuit. Selectable high frequency (5kHz or 9kHz) and low frequency (50 Hz or 100 Hz) filters. Center channel output. Gain reduction switch. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Phones/ ma in/both/remote speaker switch. Size 153/8x5-V4x14. Wt. 37 lbs.
  4. Marantz 4060 - 4-channel amplifier. RMS power output 60 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.9 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven. Frequency response 20-80k Hz ±2 dB, IM distortion 0.9 per cent. Remote 4-channel speaker output, 4-channel remote control jack, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, built-in regular 4-channel matrix and jacks for optional SQ decoder, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 141/4x4%x12 in.
  5. Marantz 4100 - 4-channel amplifier. RMS power output 25 watts per channel into 8 ohms at all frequencies with 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion, all channels driven, Frequency response 1 5-80k Hz ±2 dB, IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit, four VU meters, 4-channel remote control jack, high frequency filter, two 4-channel tape monitor circuits, remote 4-channel speaker output, strappable output for stereo operation (2 x 60 watts), either/both/none speaker switches, built-in 4-channel regular matrix decoder with variable control, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 15/4x5%x14% in.


National Panasonic


  1. National Panasonic SU-50A - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 5-1 50kHz -3 dB (aux input). Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), -90 dB (aux input). Defeatable loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Speaker muting switch. Selectable frequencies for bass and treble tone controls. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Front panel headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size16y2x5y2x123/4. Wt. 29 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. National Panasonic SU-3400 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 35 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 5-60k Hz -3 dB, power bandwidth 5-50k Hz, hum and noise -73 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Two tape monitor circuits, defeatable loudness circuit, selectable frequencies for treble and bass controls, remote speaker output, either/both/none speaker switches, front-panel headphone jacks. Size 16x51/2x113/4 in. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. National Panasonic SU-3600 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 5-100kHz -3 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 7-50kHz. Hum and noise -73 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.2 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Speaker muting switch. Phones/main/ both/remote speaker switch. 110-220 volts.




  1. Onkyo 725 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS output 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 50-1 5 kHz 0.5 dB (phono input), IHF power bandwidth 10-100kHz. Hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), -90 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.05 per cent (at 10 watts). High and low frequency filters. Speaker muting switch. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front headphone jack. Main/remote speaker switch. Size 12l/4x5l/ix14l/4. Wt. 17V2 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Onkyo 733 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS output 34 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-15 kHz i 0.5 dB (phono input), IHF power bandwidth 10-100kHz. Hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), -90 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.05 per cent (at 10 watts). High and low frequency filters. Speaker muting switch. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 17x5V3x133/4. Wt. 25 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Onkyo 732 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 56 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-15 kHz 0.5 dB (phono input), IHF power bandwidth 10-100kHz. Hum and noise -75 dB (phono input), -90 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.05 per cent (at 10 watts). High and low frequency filters. Speaker muting switch. Defeatable loudness circuit. Selectable tone control frequencies. Front headphone jack. Phones/ main/ both/ remote speaker switch. Size 17x5V3x1 33/4. Wt. 27 V2 lbs. 110-220volts.


PE (Perpetuum Ebner - schlecht auszusprechen)


  1. PE HSV 65 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 20 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 30-20kHz 1.5 dB (aux input). Hum and noise -55 dB (phono input), -60 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone jack. Size 173/4x4x83/8. Wt. 10 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Philips RH 580 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power 7 watts per channel at 8 ohms with less than 2 per cent harmonic distortion at 5.5 watts per channel, power bandwidth 25-20,000 Hz, frequency response 65-20,000 Hz ±3 dB, signal-to-noise ratio better than 55 dB. DIN sockets. Multi-voltage. Rosewood, walnut, or teak case.
  2. Philips RH 590 - Solid state stereo am-plifier. 10 watts per channel. RMS power with less than 1 percent harmonic distortion, meeting DIN 45,500 Hi-Fi standard. Power bandwidth 25-15,000 Hz, frequency response 1 5-30,000 Hz ±3dB, 20-20,000 Hz ±1.5 dB. Signal-to-noise ratio better than 80 dB. DIN sockets. Dual voltage. Teak or walnut case.
  3. Philips RH 591 - All-silicon stereo amplifier, meets DIN 45,500 hi-fi specifications. RMS power 20 watts per channel at 8 ohms with harmonic distortion less than 0.5 per cent at 20 watts per channel, 0.15 per cent at 15 watts per channel, power bandwidth 5-50,000 Hz ±3dB, frequency response 10-50,000 Hz ! 3 dB, signal-to-noise ratio better than 90 dB. Defeatable presence control, 3-position loudness contour. Tape monitor. DIN sockets for two pairs of speakers with rear-panel switch. Multi-voltage. Teak or walnut case.




  1. Pioneer SA-600 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 1 9 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF power bandwidth 10-50kHz. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel microphone and headphone jacks. High and low frequency filters. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 1 7x53/4x13/4. Wt. 20 lbs.
  2. Pioneer SA 800 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 34 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF power bandwidth 5- 50kHz. Defeatable loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Speaker muting switch. Front panel microphone and headphone jacks. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 17x53/4x13%. Wt. 23 lbs.
  3. Pioneer SA-1000 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 57 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with- 0.3 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF power bandwidth 5-30kHz. Step-type tone controls. Defeatable loudness circuit. Selectable-frequency high and low frequency filters. Tape dubbing circuit. Speaker muting switch. Remote speaker output. Front panel microphone and headphone jacks. Phones/ main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 1 7x 53/4x131/4. Wt. 28 lbs.




  1. Revox A78 - Solid state stereo control amplifier. RMS power 40 watts per channel power at 8 ohms with harmonic distortion 0.1 per cent at rated output. IM distortion 0.3 per cent. Frequency response 20-20,000 Hz ±1dB, power bandwidth 10-40,000 Hz. Signal-to-noise ratio at phono input 65 dB. Front panel tape and headphone jacks. Tape monitor. Defeatable loudness compensation. Loudspeaker switch. DIN-type connectors. Dual voltage.




  1. Sansui AU-101 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 15 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-60k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 25-40k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit and speaker on/off switch. Front-panel microphone, headphone and DIN-type recorder jack Size 4^x16x11 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Sansui AU-222 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 18 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 20-30k Hz ± 1 dB, power bandwidth 20-20k Hz, hum and noise -60dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. Tape monitor circuit, high and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, front-panel headphone jack. Size 11/2x4/2x10/2 in. Wt. 13 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Sansui AU-555A - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 25 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-30kHz (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 20-40kHz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.5 percent. Defeatable loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 15!/>x5/2x11. Weight 18 lbs. With cabinet. 1 10-220 volts.
  4. Sansui AU-666 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 35 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 10-40kHz 1 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-40kHz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), -80 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.5 per cent. High and low frequency filters. Speaker muting switch. Defeatable loudness circuit. Microphone inputs. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Step-type bass, mid, and treble tone controls. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 1 63/sx5x1 1. Wt. 21 V2 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  5. Sansui AU-888 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 45 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 15-50 kHz (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-40 kHz. Hum and noise -80 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.4 per cent. High and low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit Speaker muting switch. Isolated tape dubbing circuit for two tape recorders. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Microphone and headphone jacks. Phones/main/both/ remote speaker switch. Size 18x5'/2x12. Weight 28 lbs. With cabinet. 110-220 volts.
  6. Sansui AU-999 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-70 kHz (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-30 kHz. Hum and noise -80 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.4 per cent. Isolated tape dubbing circuit. Three tone controls with selectable frequencies. High and low frequency filters. Speaker muting control. Null balance check circuit. Microphone input. Separate level controls for each source. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Outputs for two sets of remote speakers. Headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 1 8x6x11 %. Weight 39 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Scott 230 S - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 1 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-20kHz 1 dB (aux input). Hum and noise -60 dB (phono input), -65 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit. Illuminated source indicators. Front panel headphone jack. Remote speaker output. Phones/main/ both/remote speaker switches. Size 137/sx 4,/4x7l/2. Wt. 12 lbs. 1 10-220 volts.
  2. Scott 250 S - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-25kHz 1 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 15-35kHz. Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), -75 dB (aux input). IM distortion 0.5 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Speaker muting switch. Front panel headphone jack. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 16x5x878. Wt. 1 3 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Scott 260 B - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Power bandwidth 15-25k Hz, hum and noise -64 dB (phono input). Tape monitor circuit, rumble and noise filters, defeatable loudness circuit,
  4. remote speaker output, stereo microphone inputs, front-panel headphone jack, either/ both/none speaker switches.
  5. Scott 295 S - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 33 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. IHF power bandwidth 1 8-25kHz. Hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone jack. Remote speaker output. Phones/ main/both/remote speaker switches. 110-220 volts.
  6. Scott 299 S - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.6 per cent harmonic distortion. Power bandwidth 18-25k Hz, hum and noise -60 dB (phono input). Tape monitor circuit, defeatable loudness circuit, remote speaker output, either/both/none speaker switches, front-panel headphone jack.
  7. Scott 490 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 70 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 1 5-30k Hz ±1 dB, power bandwidth 1 5-40k Hz, hum and noise -65 (phono input). Two VU meters, meter sensitivity switch, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, speaker muting control, front-panel microphone, recorder and headphone jacks, two remote speaker outputs, preamp sensitivity control, any/all/none speaker switches. Size 6x17)4x1 b% in. Wt. 32 lbs.
  8. Scott 499 - 4-channel control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 35 watts per channel into 8 ohms (all four channels driven) with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 15-30kHz 1 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 15-25kHz. Hum and noise -65 dB (phono input). Variable preamp sensitivity. High and low frequency filters. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone and tape recorder jacks. Four VU meters. Size 1 8V2x1 178x6'/4. 110-220 volts.




  1. Sony TA-1010 - Solid state stereo amplifier, rated joutput 15 watts per channel (both channels driven) with less than 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion, IM distortion less than 1 per cent at rated output. Frequency response 20-60,000 Hz ±0-3 dB, phono signal-to-noise ratio better than 70 dB. Defeatable loudness contour. Slide-type balance control. Front-panel auxiliary input, headphone jack. Main/remote/both speaker switch. DIN tape jack. Multi-voltage.
  2. Sony TA-1130 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms at any frequency with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion, both channels driven. Frequency response 10-100k Hz ±2 dB, power bandwidth 7-30k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.1 per cent. High and low frequency filters, defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, front-panel headphone and auxiliary jacks. Size 6x1 53/4x1 3 in. Wt. 29 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  3. Sony TA-1140 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 40 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.1 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 15-80kHz 2 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 6-35kHz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.1 per cent. Defeatable loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Selectable frequencies for step-type bass and treble tone controls. Center channel output. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone jack. Tape dubbing circuit. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switch. Size 1 53/4x53/4x1 2]/i. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Superscope A-240 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 10 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-36k Hz, power bandwidth 13-23k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, remote speaker output, front-panel headphone jack, remote/ main speaker switch. Size 14!^x4>2x7!4 in. Wt. 8 lbs.
  2. Superscope A-225 - Stereo amplifier. RMS power output 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 1.0 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-40k Hz, power bandwidth 30-50k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux. input). Front-panel headphone jack. Size 14/2x4/2x7/2 in. Wt. 7 lbs.
  3. Superscope QA-420 - 4-channel amplifier with built-in matrix decoder. RMS power output 6 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.8 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 30-25k Hz, power bandwidth 40-25k Hz, hum and noise -70 dB (aux input). Defeatable loudness circuit, tape monitor circuit, built-in 4-channel SQ and regular matrix decoder, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks. Size 16%x4/2x10 in. Wt. 16 lbs.




  1. Teac AS-100 -- Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 30 watts per channel into 8 ohms (both channels driven) with 0.2 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 5-200kHz -2 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 10-40kHz. Hum and noise -70 dB (phono input). IM distortion 0.2 percent. Defeatable loudness circuit. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Front panel headphone and tape recorder jacks. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Phones/main/both/remote speaker switches. Size 16%x5v6x13. Wt. 22 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Toshiba SB-404 - 4-channel amplifier with matrix decoder. RMS power output 1 5 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.4 per cent harmonic distortion. Frequency response 10-55k Hz -3 dB, power bandwidth 10-30k Hz, hum and noise -65 dB (phono input), IM distortion 0.8 per cent. Four VU meters, 4-channel tape monitor circuit, built-in 4-channel matrix decoder and ambiance control, front-panel 4-channel headphone jacks, speaker on/off switch. Size 1514x5x12 in. Wt. 16 lbs. 110-220 volts.




  1. Yamaha CA-500 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. RMS power 22 watts per channel into 8 ohms with 0.5 per cent harmonic distortion. Overall frequency response 20-30kHz -3 dB (aux input), IHF power bandwidth 18-46kHz. IM distortion 0.1 per cent. High and low frequency filters. Remote speaker output. Defeatable loudness circuit. Front panel headphone output. Exterior preamp-power amp junction. Phones/main/ both/remote speaker switches. Size 15%x 5/2x11%. Wt. 18 lbs. 110-220 volts.
  2. Yamaha CA-700 - Stereo control amplifier. Solid state. Same as Yamaha CA-500 except: 60 watts per channel, speaker switch, and connections for two tape recorders.


Das war der Nachtrag zur Jahresübersicht ......

In last month's OFF DUTY we presented our annual review of receivers, tuners and amplifiers. The number of units turned out to be even larger than we expected, so we are presenting the amplifier portion in this issue.

The amplifiers listed here are integrated (or control) amplifiers which have both preamplifiers and power amplifiers in one unit and which may also have ancillary circuits such as 4-channel matrix decoders, too. Separate preamps, power amps and specialty amplifiers will be covered in a later issue.

For further advice concerning specifications and features, see the introduction to our hi-fi SHOPPER in last month's issue.


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