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Die ersten JBL Anzeigen mit dem PARAGON Lautsprecher

Als wir in 2019 die US-Audio Zeitschriften bekommen hatten, konnten endlich optisch präsente Anzeigen eingescannt werden.

Und zum Ende 1959 wurden zwei Schränke mit Lautsprechern vorgestellt. Der eine Schrank nannte sich Ranger-Paragon und der zweite Schrank, etwas kleiner, nannte sich Ranger Metregon.

In der US-AUDIO vom April 1958 wird im Editor Review von einer überwältigen Vorführung des PARAGON Systems auf einer großen Bühne geschrieben.
Die ersten Anzeigen des PARAGON kamen aber erst Monate später. Bislang wurden nur die "James B. Lansing" Lautsprecher-Chassis mit Anzeigen beworben.

Heft 01 Anzeige 1 mit Text 1 und 2
Heft 07 Anzeige 2 mit Text 3 und 4

Text 1: The JBL Ranger-Paragon is the ultimate stereo speaker system. Developed as a master monitor for use in perfecting stereo recording techniques, the Paragon adds to twin folded horns and professional driver units a radial refraction panel which integrates the two sound sources and disperses true stereo throughout the room.

Text 2: The JBL Ranger-Metregon incorporates the virtues of radial refraction in an enclosure of acceptable size for the average living room. No hole in the middle, no split soloists, but sound reproduction spatially proportional to its original source. The Metregon accepts seven different speaker system combinations; can be upgraded progressively.

Text 3: Horn, reflex, infinite baffle ... theater size or book shelf enclosure... such words as ubest," "finest." "most efficient" have come to be inseparably associated with "JBL." symbol of loudspeaker systems of the highest precision. Outstanding horn type stereo enclosure is the fabulous JBL Ranger-Paragon. Developed as a master monitor for use in perfecting stereo recording techniques, the Paragon was ready to play a leading role in making audio history when the 45-45 record was introduced. The JBL Paragon encloses two exponential horns and two 3-way JBL speaker systems. JBL theater drivers are used, including the massive 375 high frequency unit. A curved radial refraction panel integrates the two systems.

Text 4: Radial refraction has been called "the one significant contribution to stereo reproduction made by a loudspeaker manufacturer." Radial refraction creates a wide stereo field throughout the listening area, obviates hole-in-the-middle, split-soloist, and ping-pong effects. It is used in the JBL Ranger-Metre-gon, a stereo speaker system of moderate size that includes twin reflex enclosures. Seven different speaker system kits may be installed in the Metregon including the honored JBL D130. the only fifteen-inch, full range loudspeaker made with a four-inch voice coil of edge-wound aluminum ribbon. Its reputation for smooth, full range reproduction, high efficiency, and precision transient response has never been challenged.

JAMES B. LANSING SOUND, INC. - 3249 Casitas Avenue, Los Angeles 39, Calif.


Items of particular interest that we saw at the L.A. show included

  • our first experience with the Integrand servo speaker system, which seems to sound as good as the theory behind it;
  • a 500-watt transistor amplifier driving one company's speaker systems (and from the sound volume they must have been using full output);
  • a tape recorder in kit form (not at the show proper, but in one of the rooms of the hotel) soon to be on the market, we were told;

  • and a clarification of our original impression of the James B. Lansing stereo speaker - the Ranger-Paragon - which we described as 18 feet long in the November, 1957, issue but which is only 8 feet, 10 inches long. But at Kierulff's Concerama in the Philharmonic Auditorium it sat in the center of the stage for the third act and gave a marvelous spread of sound - with your eyes shut you could visualize the entire orchestra.

AUDIO • APRIL, 1958 (hier finden Sie mehr aus dieser Ausgabe)

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