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1974 - Die Marketing-Kollegen bei BOSE waren sehr kreativ

und erfanden weitere Marken und Boxen, die man an den neuen Namen dran hängen konnte. Das war fast genauso kreativ wie später bei der Firma Infinity, als es dort die 99 Dollar "Infinity POS1" gab, unter Fachleuten a "piece of shit", ein Stück Mist.

Und es gab ja auch noch die Interaudio Linie bei BOSE, die noch billiger war. Eine der ersten Anzeigen erschien in der Off Duty / Europe / Februar 1974.

Der Marketing Spruch ging folgendermaßen :
"A new level of realism in direct radiating speakers."

The most critical component in any sound system is the speaker, so if music is important to you, you'll invest in quality loudspeakers. But how do you know which speaker offers you the best music reproduction for your money? We suggest the answer is STUDIOCRAFT and we'll tell you why.

The impressive quality offered by STUDIOCRAFT speakers results from a number of features inherent in their design and manufacture:

  • • Computer selected drivers.
  • • Precise computer matching of woofers and tweeters to within - 1/klB.
  • • Computer matching of crossover networks to drivers.
  • • Long-excursion woofers with extra long voice coils.
  • • Wide dispersion convex tweeter arrays (Model 330 and 440).
  • • Oversized electronic components with tightly controlled tolerances.
  • • Computer style wire-wrap of all electrical connections.
  • • Double production testing of all components and connections.
  • • 100% Trade-Up option for BOSE 901 Speakers (Military Personnel Only).
  • • Five-year warranty on both parts and labor.

Notwithstanding the advanced design and quality control technology behind STUDIOCRAFT speakers, their value is ultimately reflected only by the realism of music they reproduce. Audition the STUDIOCRAFT speaker of your choice and compare its performance with that of any other comparably priced direct radiating speaker on the market today. Satisfy yourself that these speakers truly represent an audible improvement in music reproduction.

Diese Anzeige stand im Feb. 1974 in dem off-duty military shopper Magazin für die US-Streitkräfte in Europa.

"This advertisement was neither paid for nor sponsored, in whole or in part, by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service."

Diese "Army and Air Force Exchange Services" waren die für uns Deutsche unzugänglichen Geschäfte der Militärangehörigen.

- Werbung Dezent -
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