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Wenn alte Prospekte erst wieder ab 2022 auftauchen .....

1971 ein Spitzenprodukt

Durch die Corona Pandemie ab 2020 kamen viele Hifi-Fans - auch in den USA - auf die Idee, mal in den Schubladen zu kramen und die alten Prosepkte aus der Jugendzeit hervorzuholen und wie hier - einzuscannen.

Das Beste nur für Dich - that's best for you

Natürlich übertreiben die Werbemenschen immer und an jeder Stelle, so auch hier.
Denoch, der KOSS ESP-9 war um 1971 unbestritten der beste Kopfhörer auf dem Weltmarkt. Daß die Japaner ganz ganz schnell (und notgedrungen) aufgeholt hatten, also bereits ab 1974 auch solche edlen Teile angeboten hatten, hatte dem alten Herrn Koss ganz schön zugesetzt. Er war ab dann nicht mehr alleine auf dem Markt. Vor allem den Tragekomfort hatten die Japaner schneller im Griff. Der ESP-9 war nun mal recht schwer und der KOSS PRO 4A ebenfalls. Wir hatten beide bei uns zuhause.


choosing the sound of KOSS - that's best for you
model ESP-9 - electrostatic studio monitor



  • Offers a new tool for improved audiometry with self-bias or ac line energizing. Controlled monitoring with 10 octaves ±2dB range exceeding best loudspeaker systems. Eliminates all room reflections and polar distribution problems.
  • Super, wide-range response - For critical, controlled monitoring of finest recording sources. Delivers all 10 audible octaves. 10-19,000 Hz ±5dB. 4 octaves beyond ordinary headphones.
  • Virtually distortion-free performance - Precision electrical balancing of push-pull acoustical circuitry to give fatigue-free listening through long, intense recording sessions. Elements cancel all 2nd harmonic distortion, unlike conventional units.
  • Lightweight - human engineered for comfort - Uses fluid-filled cushions for good, comfortable seal; extendable stainless steel headband with wide cushion for perfect fit and restful listening.
  • Calibrated, precisely controlled output - Ideal for audiometric uses - Switch on front panel of energizer selects ac operation for precision measurements of output; in self-energized switch position no connection to ac lines is required; this gives maximum convenience.
  • High-power capability in very low bass range - Large, oversize coupling transformers mounted in external E-9 energizer unit give good wave form at 30 Hz with up to 10 volts input.
  • No special amplifiers required - Low efficiency. Connects to low-impedance speaker terminals - Easy, quick hook-up to any rated high-quality amplifier delivers performance to specification. Excellent for evaluating the spectral character of very low level noise in equipment like tape mastering machines and recording consoles.
  • In contrast to the ESP-6 and ESP-7, both cups are independently energized; a left cup signal is not required to supply bias to the right cup.


accessories for koss stereophones



  1. A. EC-25KK Coiled Extension Cord
    25' long Can bo used with any Stereo* phones fitted with 3 conductor, standard phone plug Price $7.95

  2. B. T-4 Connector Box
    A junction box that accepts up to 5 sets of Koss Stereophones 10 cord with 3 conductor phone plug fits standard headphone jack. Provides private stereo listening by up to 5 people at one time. Used in schools libraries and homes Price $7.95

  3. C. EC-20 Stereo Extension Cord
    25 long Straight cord fined with stereo plug and lack Price $5.95

  4. D. T-1 Monitoring Adapter
    For use with dynamic phones in monitoring tapes from high impedance sources such as tape recorders with preamps only. This adaptor contains matching transformers to match 600 to 10.000 ohm outputs down to 4 ohms. Equipped with 2 output jacks lor Stereophones, and 2 pm-type jacks for Inputs. Price $7.95

  5. E. T-3 Speaker/Headphone Transfer Switch
    Provides a speaker on/off switch and a Stereophone jack. Connects to speaker terminals of amplifier or receiver. Adds low impedance jack to system for wide range performance of Stereophones Price S7.95

  6. F. VWA Stereo Phone Plug Adapter Cable
    For connecting Stereophones to portable phonographs with plug-in speakers connected by two standard phone plugs. Stereophone jack on one end; 2 monaural standard plugs on other end. Price $6.75

  7. G. T-5 Remote Control Station
    Simitar to T-10. Provides Stereophone and speaker control from remote location. Has jacks lor 2 sets of Stereophones. Left and right channel volume controls and speaker on-off switch. Metal cabinet Price $9.95

  8. H. T-4A Connector Box
    Offering a connector accessory that accepts up to 5 sets of stereophones. 14 cord with 3 conductor phone plug fits standard head-phone jack. Private listening for 5 people at one time. This trim round unit measures 6 inches in diameter, has a walnut-like base combined with black trim and a spun aluminum plug in panel. Price $12.95

  9. J. T-10A Chairside Listening Station
    Offering remote control for two sets of stereophones. the new accessory combines function with contemporary styling. Featuring separate volume controls for each stereophone and a speaker. on/off switch. Wires directly to amplifier or receiver. The trim round unit measures 6 inches in diameter has a walnut-like base, combined with black trim and a spun aluminum control panel and a see - through smoked plexiglass cover. Price $19.95

  10. K. PSA Stereo Pin-Type Adapter Cable
    For connecting Stereophones to portable phonographs with plug-in speakers. Stereophone jack on one end. 2 monaural pin-plugs on other end. Price $3.75

  11. L. TPA 2-Phone Extension Cable
    Connects 2 sets of Stereophones to single headphone jack. Adds 3" to phone cord length. Price $5.95

  12. M. Fluid-Filled Replacement Cushions
    Replacement ear cushions for Models PRO-4A, PRO-4AA and an electrostatic Stereophones. Per pair Price $6.95

  13. N. T-2 Connector Plate
    For connecting dynamic phones to units that have no headphone jack. Connects to speaker output terminals and provides headphone listening capability on any sound system that will play speakers. Price $1.95

  14. O. SMA Stereo/Monaural Adapter Cable
    Equips Stereophones for either stereo or monaural sound reproduction. Switch converts operation from stereo to monaural and vice versa. Price $6.95

  15. P. Foam-Filled Replacement Cushions
    Replacement ear cushions for Models KO-727B, K-6, K-6LC, SP-3XC, SP-5SM, Colors black and brown. Per pair Price $1.95


Das Besondere an dieser Zubehörliste - siehe "M"

Hier werden unter (M) bereits die "Fluid-Filled Replacement Cushions" angeboten, die wir heute gut gebrauchen könnten.
Fluid-Filled Replacement Cushions = Mit Flüssigkeit gefüllte Ersatzkissen



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Via Vairona. 21 20127 Milan. Italy


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