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"off duty" 1970 - 1997 - eine Freizeit-Zeitung für's US-Militär

Die in diesem amerikanischen (Freizeit-) Shopping-Magazin angepriesenen Hifi- und Video-Produkte waren auschließlich amerikanischen und kanadischen Militärangehörigen zugänglich - also zu kaufen - und vor allem zu ganz ungewöhnlich (verblüffend) niedrigen US $ Military-Preisen. Zu der einführenden "off duty" Seite geht es hier lang. -  Um 1970 begann der weltweite Hifi-Boom bis zum 1. Crash 1978 und dann wieder zum 2.Crash um 1990. Über die 20 Jahre nach 2001 lesen Sie mehr in den Kolumnen auf diesen japanischen Seiten.


Dieser Artikel vom Chefredakteur Walter Rios gehört zur 1972er Jahres-Liste für Hifi-Receiver

Diese Receiver-Liste - "annual survey" genannt, finden Sie hier. Also bereits im Herbst 1972 gab es warnende Stimmen bei den involvierten Fachleuten und Herausgebern in den Spezialmagazinen, auch in den großen US- amerikanischen Festlands- Hifi- Magazinen aller Art. Es war also 1972 bereits kein Geheimnis mehr - vor allem für die stolzen und uneinsichtigen Japaner - daß der QUADRO Systemkrieg ein gewaltiges und extrem teures Eigentor werden könnte.


THE 4-CHANNEL DILEMMA (Oktober 1972)

THE 4-CHANNEL DILEMMA, which puts the purchase of audio equipment in the category of an "Agonizing Decision" (eine qualvolle Entscheidung), was never more evident than in this month 's Off Duty Shopper, our annual survey of receivers, amplifiers and tuners (Oktober 1972).

In past years, the basic decision was between the convenient all-in-one receiver and separate side-by-side components with their added measure of flexibility. Now a giant question, whether to go 4-channel or stay with conventional stereo components, must also be answered before taking the plunge on a new music system.

Some basic facts and guidelines

To help you meet the problem head-on and arrive at a solution, here are some basic facts and guidelines:

  1. Fact - The selection of stereo receivers is much bigger than 4-channel. Most manufacturers offer stereo models in every price class but have only just started to broaden the price range of 4-channei equipment.
  2. Fact - A 4-channel receiver costs a lot more than stereo. And no wonder, since discrete 4-channel means four preamps, four power amps, four sets of controls, while stereo has just two of each.

Now for the agonizing part (die Qual der Wahl). Which is the better buy?

If pinned down
, I 'd say that stereo has the edge right now, measured strictly in terms of power and features for the money. To you, the customer, the enormous selection offered in stereo receivers means a hotly competitive market and lower prices.

You pay less for technology,
since costly R&D has been amortized over a larger number of models. Parts, too, have been produced in much larger quantities for stereo than for new 4-channel designs, so the per-unit cost of stereo components is likely to be lower.

To help you out of the dilemma

To help you out of the dilemma, designers have made it easy to convert stereo equipment to 4-channel operation anytime you 're ready. Virtually every stereo receiver (or amplifier) on the market has a rear-panel provision for connecting a rear-channel amplifier with the controls you need to go 4-channel all the way.

Since it's so easy, you can buy a stereo model without fear of early obsolescence, and take advantage of the broad selection of components that stereo offers.

Designers also recognize that new 4-channel models are certain to come on the market in fast-and-furious succession over the next few years. Let's face it, no matter which model you buy right now, it's a sure bet that next year's model will have a new doo-dad on the front panel or a hot new IC inside.

Er hatte 1972 die "Vision" ....

Die Chips gabs erst Ende 1974
  • Anmerkung : Walter Rios wußte es oder er ahnte es, daß die großen Halbleiterfirmen eine Chance gesehen hatten, die ganze 4-Kanal Dekodiertechnik auf technologisch hohem Niveau in ein IC oder mehrere IS's zu packen und natürlich auch gut zu verkaufen. Sie (die Plattenfirmen wie auch die Hersteller) wußten auch alle um die aktuellen Schwächen und Mängel der ganzen (wenigen und dann auch noch nicht kompatiben) Quadro- Platten, die den Verkaufserfolg immer noch gewaltig hinderten.


Eigentlich solltest "Du" nicht mehr warten .........

Meanwhile, you can't afford to wait - these bargain military-discount prices are available only during your overseas tour of duty- - so you have to decide now which way to go.

And you don't have to wait, because the basic performance of the equipment on sale now will not be seriously affected by the refinements on the way. In other words, it's not the amplifiers and tuners that will change as 4-channel is developed, since both these components have already been refined to near-perfection.

It's the decoder circuitry and the method of controlling Surround Sound that designers are fussing over, and their new doo-dads will inevitably be offered in adapter modules that you can add to any combination of current-model stereo or 4-channel components.

Die Entscheidung ist doch gar nicht so schwer - kaufen !

So there 's no way the agony of deciding between stereo and 4-channel can dampen the joy of buying late-model audio equipment at military bargain prices. No matter what you buy, there will be a more sophisticated "logic" decoder on the market a year or two hence. Maybe an amazing Quadradisc demodulator will be introduced, claiming to be still better. And an all-new FM unscrambler for discrete quad from the airwaves, if the FCC gives the go-ahead. Or stereophonic TV that you can pipe into your components system. And still more electronic goodies, some already on the drawing boards while others germinate in the brains of audio designers. No matter. With today's crop of top-flight amplifiers, tuners and receivers, you're ready for them.

Walter B. Rios
(er ist der Gründer und Herausgeber der "of duty" magzine seit 1970,)

Die Werbekunden lasen natürlich alle Artikel mit ....

... nämlich, ob da in dem Magazin, in dem sie teure Anzeigen geschaltet hatten, auch zum Kauf "angereizt" würde. Also mußte Herr Rios solche Artikel mit solchen Sprüchen verfassen. Aber das reichte nicht. Selbst die amerikanischen (Air-Force-) Soldaten, die ich in Wiesbaden kannte, hatten diese komische "4-channel" Spielerei ziemlich schnell satt und ich bekam den SONY Quadro Extender geschenkt. Auch bei mir lebte er nur wenige Wochen. Es gab da keinen "Sound"-Gewinn. - Das Hören und Lauschen wurde auf einmal anstrengend.


- Werbung Dezent -
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