Sie sind hier : Startseite →  Hifi Wissen und Technik→  (2) Die Quellen / Geräte→  Die Abtast-"Nadel"→  Ein Nadel-Mikroskop (1960)

Bereits 1960 wollte man mal die Spitze sehen, für 6 Dollar 75.

In der Dezemberausgabe der US-AUDIO 1960 haben wir - unter anderem - diese Anzeige gefunden.

Nach meinen teilweise erschütternden Erfahrungen mit dem DUAL Mikroskop der 1970er Jahre ist dieses Teil noch unglaubwürdiger. Es sei denn, man käme an ein solches Teil nochmal ran.

Eines kann man jedoch gut erkennen,
auf dem (kleinen) Display wird nur der Abriss-Schatten dargestellt. Und auch nur der spielt überhaupt eine Rolle, der restliche optische Eindruck des Diamanten ist völlig unwichtig.


Model SG-33 the "Audiophile"

AUDIO • DECEMBER 1960 ... first truly reliable method for checking stylus wear!

... in most record players no need to remove the stylus from the cartridge or the cartridge from the arm ... (und das für NUR :) ONLY $ 6.75 list.

Description :

In seconds, the Robins SYL-A-SCOPE provides a magnified, illuminated image showing the detailed contour of your stylus ... and, in most record changers and turntables you don't have to remove the stylus from the cartridge, or the cartridge from the arm.

This precision instrument, based on the same principle as optical equipment used by industry for small parts quality control, is now available to every record collector - high fidelity enthusiast - to anyone who wants to protect their treasured records and retain the high standard of performance of their hi-fi system.

The cost of this protection is about equal to a stereo record album - only $6.75!

Here's how simply it works. Place the tone arm on the rest bar with the stylus in the aperture provided, switch the SYL-A-SCOPE on and, instantly there's a clear, magnified picture of the stylus on the illuminated screen for easy, rapid examination. Detecting flaws and 'wear' is as easy as checking a test pattern on a TV screen.


Model SG-66, the "Professional"

Model SG-33 the "Audiophile" - Portable, battery-operated unit provides a clear, sharp image on its large illuminated screen. It's a must for every audiophile, record collector and phono owner. List (less batteries) $ 6.75

Model SG-66, the "Professional" - Compact unit with line cord operates on 110 volts AC. Provides a clear sharp image on its large illuminated screen. A precision optical tool ideal for use in recording studios, broadcast stations, by advanced audiophiles and at the bench for service-technicians. Can also be used for small part inspection in industry. List $19.95

See the New Robins Syl-A-Scope at hi-fi dealers today. Write for new 1961 catalog of record and tape care accessories.

ROBINS INDUSTRIES - 36-27 Prince St., Flushing 54, New York

Export: Telesco Int'l, New York 16, N. Y.

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